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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you could live your life over again, what one thing would you change?

Question:I know nobody's life is perfect out there!
What would you change to make it better?
It can be absolutely anything.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know nobody's life is perfect out there!
What would you change to make it better?
It can be absolutely anything.

Mostly I would raise my children differently. (Wouldn't we all)
I would start my kids in music programs from an earlier age and develop their natural talents instead of insisting that they play the instruments of MY choice. I would also be much more selective about the types of things they were allowed to view, hear, experience! I would have sheltered them much more.

I asked myself that question when I was 6 years old actually and I knew what I would do given the chance would be go back in time a few weeks ago to my pre-school class or kidnergarden class or something and I would re-do my class project which was making a paper penguin and coloring it. I wanted to make a very nice penguin. Weird how things chance, yeah wow.

To know back then what I KNOW NOW!

Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed answering it!

Ron Berue
Yes, that is my real last name!

I would invent yahoo answers when I was 10 yrs old so i could ask this question every single day of the rest of my life.

I love seeing it every day, it never ever ever ever gets old.

change myself!

only and only my bad ego.that is the base of all stupidities. thanks.

I would not have let my sister leave. She ran away from home when i was 9 (she was 19) and she told me about it. I was the only person who knew (in a family of 8-im the second youngest). If i could do things over i would have told my mother about her plans. Sure, she would've hated me for a while but it beats the alternative. I haven't seen her since the night she left. (I'm 17 years old now).

being born

if i could live my life over again , i will never let a girl go away from me . never!!!

i think i would have stayed in school i had four children very young and had a lot of troubling times in my life because of it but out all that i have been through i would only change my time spent in school i would be a better person had i taken the time to work hard and learn more i would still want to go through everything else because all of those hard times have made me who i am i just wish i was smarter

My underwear

i wouldn't change anything because then i would not be the person that i am. i don't always like who i am but i can't imagine being anyone else.

I would listen to the still small voice with all the strength Id possess, and therefore make the best decisions 100%a of the time and so make more use of the time Id spend on earth.


My life's experiences have "made" me what I am. I have climbed life's mountains successfully and unsuccessfully. I have walked the valleys placed before me and have been both successful and unsuccessful.

To change anything would be preposterous. How else could you be what you are if it were not for the experiences you have encountered? Besides if we all could modify Life's rules and circumstances we'd all be named Rockefeller or Einstein and that would be boring to say the least.

All we can hope for is: Have the courage to accept what we can not change and courage to change that which we can and ask for God to grant us the wisdom to know the difference.

Not a thing. It has been perfect.

Love and blessings Don

get married to someone i really loved but my parents said he is no good for me !!
i want to spend the rest of my life in his arms but..