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Position:Home>Philosophy> Zombie problem!!!?

Question:I was walking home from my friends house when A zombie from out of nowhere started chasing me. I started yelling for help but nobody paid attention, then I got bitten by the zombie. That was about an hour ago and I think I'm turning into a zombie because Im starting to get a craving for human guts. I'm a nice person I really am, but as the minutes pass I start getting angry tired and hungry for human guts. What Can I do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was walking home from my friends house when A zombie from out of nowhere started chasing me. I started yelling for help but nobody paid attention, then I got bitten by the zombie. That was about an hour ago and I think I'm turning into a zombie because Im starting to get a craving for human guts. I'm a nice person I really am, but as the minutes pass I start getting angry tired and hungry for human guts. What Can I do?

Call zombiebusters. They help me out when I get bitten by the local zombie. Catch is the pain is slightly unbearable. Just sit down a while and eat an ice-cream cone or twenty.

dude get a life as if. grow up this website is used for actually answering questions. wtf thats sooo lame seriously

by the waygarlic suposedly wards off zombies and vampires so buy some for your friends and family

call buffy.

eat ppl they taste nice with ketchup and onions

eat yourself

in this situation i think it is best to find other zombies out there as there may be some resistance from the "normal" human. they might seem distant like they dont want you around. dont get your feelings hurt just understand that there are social groups out there for everyone and maybe the living is not your group. i would also suggest that you get a large group of your living dead friends and try to explain your situation to a large group of people in a small town. maybe you can all meet at a big mall at the same time. surround it first because you want everyone to know that just because you look different and eat different people that deep down inside you are all alike. i hope this helps and i hope your wound heals quickly.

hmm try to eat some rodents and see if that helps your cravings any!!!

You must be dreaming aloud.
How do you differentiate human gut from animal gut when you have never had it before?
Interesting fiction though its what you watched a few minutes ago.good luck

Are you sure you have identified your problem right....... grow up!!

Zombies are the walking undead kept alive to serve some purpose always of evil intent, of a power that lacks standing.

You are referring to the devils succubi ... credit where credit is due ...

You should probably get rid of the problem right away!

dig a hole in the cementary, make it your home and start make friends with the neighbour. they have been there for centuries. friendly tho! hahahaha

kill yourself and save the rest of the world from infection

You have a wonderful imagination, kid...
try to post this in the books section...

Call Angel Investigations.

stab yourself with the muramasa sword.