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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you sick of your daily routine?

Question:i wake up to feed my cats
eat breakfast
do the dishes
go to school
play sims 2
or sims castaway
watch tv for 3 hours
work out for 1 hour
eat again for lunch

answer here in yahoo ask
pretty boring
im becoming boring
i sometimes think i need to have a boyfriend, just to fill the spaces and gaps that i feel, i mostly want to travel but i lack the money for it, though i wish i could travel more, but then i dont enjoy it anymore, i need to be inspired once again, i dont know how, im dying of boredom, i think im going to get a summer job
by the way im 20

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i wake up to feed my cats
eat breakfast
do the dishes
go to school
play sims 2
or sims castaway
watch tv for 3 hours
work out for 1 hour
eat again for lunch

answer here in yahoo ask
pretty boring
im becoming boring
i sometimes think i need to have a boyfriend, just to fill the spaces and gaps that i feel, i mostly want to travel but i lack the money for it, though i wish i could travel more, but then i dont enjoy it anymore, i need to be inspired once again, i dont know how, im dying of boredom, i think im going to get a summer job
by the way im 20

Nope. Daily Routine's are GREAT! -Throw a needy Human Being into the "mix" - & before you KNOW it, things start going TERRIBLY WRONG...- & you start missing the "old days...-when things were Simpler..." I know- I've, "been there & DONE that..." So be CAREFULL what you ask for. (& by the way, I'm 54 & I'm NEVER bored!). :)

"Anybody can deal with a crisis; it's the daily routine that grinds you down."

Having said that, I want to tell you there is no escape from routine; just learn to like it more...

For inspiration, pick up and read, "The Power of Now." It's written by Eckhart Tolle.

Meh, Your life will always have some form of routine to it. Unfortunately, the only thing you can do to change it up any is to stop doing certain things. Instead of playing sims, volunteer at a local food pantry/church/vet clinic/animal shelter. Instead of watching tv at home, go watch a movie (I know this seems silly, but dress to impress.. you never know!!!), go to a park, read a book, exercise more, something.

Just shake it up!

yes, but I also hate the people I go to school with

I've found that boredom is more about you than your circumstances. Boredom is the pain of not growing, the negative reinforcement nature has wired us with to keep moving.

So, Move It! Do Anything!

Routine is a natural tendency for humans, but it can become monotonous and annoying. Finding validity in accomplishing the mundane is what most people strive for. Why settle?

yeah, sometimes, and boyfriend, hmm that's good for you...

Maybe you need God in your life.