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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do short people have feelings? Support your answer with real evidence please!?

Question:No anecdotal evidence or bias please. I just want a straightforward, scientific answer on this issue.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No anecdotal evidence or bias please. I just want a straightforward, scientific answer on this issue.

you will be happy to hear of my experiment then : I placed several people in a line and threw darts at them while the short people were indeed hit less and life or god might therefore be biased towards aiding them in their suffering they screamed just the same as the biggies when they did get hit.

Anyone with a heart and brain has feelings.
This is the most stupid ******** question ever.

Short people have short(er) feelings.

And smaller brains, enabling them to process less emotions.

of cuz short ppl do have feelings..they're human being also isn't it?but they tend to be more sensitive and inferior..

Yes!!! Just because they are short doesnt mean they arent people.

Do stupid people have feelings?
If that question hurts your feelings, the answer must be yes.
Short people are still people.
Insensitivity is not attributed to height.

You must be short because you asked such a question.

excuse me, all people/beings with a brain has feelings!!!

I am short and I have feelings. I believe I was compensated in the brains dept. for my lack of height.

the length of your limbs and torso have nothing to do with your feelings, get straight