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Position:Home>Philosophy> Freedom could be against Human Right ?

Question:Interesting question. I think I understand where your going with this. Total freedom to all, meaning no rules, laws, norms or mores to hold society in place. Just anarchy and chaos. The idea that by having too much freedom you will end up hurting someone else and thus restricting their freedoms? I.e. if I was free to act on my anger I might end up hurting someone...

Interesting, but the truth is the idea of no freedom is scarier to me. Mostly because the world has seen what that produces, total chaos, on the other hand, humanity has yet to really achieve. And then there is the innate optimistic belief I have that under it all, people really are good, I know, it's kinda silly but there you go, I'm an eternal optimist.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Interesting question. I think I understand where your going with this. Total freedom to all, meaning no rules, laws, norms or mores to hold society in place. Just anarchy and chaos. The idea that by having too much freedom you will end up hurting someone else and thus restricting their freedoms? I.e. if I was free to act on my anger I might end up hurting someone...

Interesting, but the truth is the idea of no freedom is scarier to me. Mostly because the world has seen what that produces, total chaos, on the other hand, humanity has yet to really achieve. And then there is the innate optimistic belief I have that under it all, people really are good, I know, it's kinda silly but there you go, I'm an eternal optimist.

If u'r talking about absolute unconditional freedom then I guess u can be right coz u r free as long as u don't hurt other ppl, or restrain their freedom. I believe that absolute freedom is somewhat destructive.

In a free society, people can speak out against human rights.

In a repressed society, people can't speak out for them.

freedom is not against human rights, lack of freedom causes human wrongs, I think

Freedom exercised to the extent that it falls just short of impinging on another's freedom is the ideal to which we aspire.

Freedom exercised to the extent that it impinges upon the rights of another is not freedom, it is the anarchy of the selfish and undisciplined.