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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it silence power?

Question:Are you asking is there power in silence? Any kind of silence? Or silence of the mind? The whole universe is silent sound happens on earth. The power of the universe is beyond measure. Does this help?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Are you asking is there power in silence? Any kind of silence? Or silence of the mind? The whole universe is silent sound happens on earth. The power of the universe is beyond measure. Does this help?


Depends on the situation. Many cases, actions definitely speak louder than words, but when it comes to the necessity of effective communication, silence can be suicide.

No. Silence is not power. Anger is not power either and neither is the talker. Wisdom is power. You have to know when to speak and what to say for it to be powerful.

silence is power yes.

but what is the "it" you are talking about??

Yes, it is. Most the time, as long as one keeps his or her silence, we never know what hides in there. Since there is fear in the unknown, the resultant premise of this syllogism is that there is indeed power in silence.

Yes, it definitely is. When you talk other people know what you think and you might say something you don't want other people to know, and when you have said something bad you can't change it.
Keep your aces and onnly throw them when you need to!
But the fact that silence is power doesn't mean that speaking a lot is weakness; speaking in a proper maner is also power.

NO: unable to speakup may lead to silence

you often regret what you have said,
but you hardly regret your silence,


Be quiet for a whole day and see how many people listen to you.

Silence IS power. It is not-doing. Restriction. Sometimes very powerful.

No silence is a weakness not power.

Yes it is. In selling it is used. Salesmen use a pregnant pause, and the first one to speak is the vulnerable one, and has lost the battle of bargaining.