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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you always acknowledge what you feel?

Question:Yeah, I like to see where it will take me. To deny it would be deny myself a new opportunity, and I have this dangerous policy where I'm open to "truth" no matter the consequence of it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yeah, I like to see where it will take me. To deny it would be deny myself a new opportunity, and I have this dangerous policy where I'm open to "truth" no matter the consequence of it.


Always now, there was a time when I would stuff all my feelings. I made me sick physically and depressed mentally. Now I let it out, I have learned the fine art of expressing myself constructively not destructively. I am happier and healthier. I also think it has helped all mt relationships.

No. Noone does. Many emotions are so subtle that we don't even notice them happening until they are either past or replaced by secondary emotions.

I hardly ever do, but should more often.

99.50 percent of the time now .

Almost always...but sometimes I have a hard time admitting to my best friend when she asks if something is wrong or if she hurt my feelings or made me mad.

If I know it will not harm the self esteem of another, I pretty much do. I sometimes need to choose my words and/or actions more carefully than others, but yes.

Yes verbally.. as everyone should do.. why keep it bottled up.. cause if you keep it bottled up it will eat your guts alive.

Not always verbally to other people. Some things just are not the business of anyone else .. it might be private feelings.

Yes, I do and sometimes it has caused me much pain. But, I won't let that stop me from acknowledging how I feel.

Yes - firstly to myself. That can take some focus, and time. We have so many available responses to any situation. Then I tell those affected what I feel, and we can deal with the consequences. I like to know where others are; and I let them know where I am too. It's better than living in the dark, whatever the consequences.

Yes. Feelings are our guides.

Not always, I still have problems with being just who I am all the time. I still fear rejection.

It all depends upon the feeling and the person that I might express it to. Feeling that cause my body to feel bad or uneasy are better left unexpressed for they are false, not that I don't express them from time to time. LOL
The person I may be expressing my feelings makes a difference also, some I feel would rather not hear my feelings. : )

If I deem it necessary to the situation, and it involves or
effects me personally. If it is none of business I do not feel the need, unless I am asked.

ALWAYS?????? No, not always. Alot but not ALWAYS, and I know of very few people who ALWAYS express their feelings. Some feelings I need to take a step back and look at to see if I am being over sensitive, judgmental, etc... not all feelings need to be expressed.

I have self realization of my feeling and I deal with them appropriately. Denying them only lets them fester and grow into beast that are harder to destroy. I do not however wear my heart on my sleeve for all to see. They are not theirs to deal with. Of course I do also have confidants that I can exchange concerns with.

Most of the time - but "not" always.

if to myself if no one else.

Not always but if I feel like sharing my feelings with someone it has to be with my Husband, or no one else.

You will begin to feel good as soon as you start acknowledging what you feel.... clarifying exactly what you want and then allowing yourself to want it

Allot of times I cannot place the emotion.


I always recognize what I feel as a feeling...and ask "Hmmmm, why am I feeling that way?" Feelings are the expression of the sub-conscious in making known to the conscious something intuitively percieved.... It is not its job to analyze or define such... The "gut" tells no lies because that is not its job ! But to go on feelings alone is not wise..

In most cases yes.I for one go to a counselor and do not get me wrong as though I have problems or am messed up but rather to be a better person,to grow,mature and learn why I do or say the things I do.I tell my family,friends,and siblings how I feel because that is who I am as a person,because they either take me for who I am or not,because these people actually care about what is happening with in my life and because what I feel is a part of who I am.I acknowledge if I am wrong,messed up,or whatever action I might of taken because that is what you do when you are in your 20s:you take responsability for your behavior,you tell people that are close to you what bothers you,you talk things out with teachers so that they can help you,you vent,you express your emotions in a healthy way because that is life.I am actually lucky to have so much support from so many people that listen to what might happen in my life,what is bothering me,if I have a bad day,etc,because that is whar family,a boyfriend and true friends are supposed to do.

Feeling is the gift which has given by nature or say God. It is but natural to acknowledge.

Most people mask or hide their internal emotions. One does not come into the workplace with their personal life exposed. It is healthy to acknowledge what you feel to your soul mate, someone you trust, however, it can be a double edge sword if you trust and the trust is broken, so be careful it isn't someone you have known for a brief time.

When we expose ourselves to a loved one, we virtually become naked. It is risky, but it can be very cleansing without holding in excess "baggage". Too many have so many issues throughout their lives, it can build until our identity is drowned to really know who we are.

The truth will set you free is true with that someone that is trustworthy. Good for the spirit and psychic!

At times I donot. I dont like to cause others feelings to be hurt.

Not all the time!
It had gotten to the point, where, sometimes I could not tell if I was in love or if i was sick!

Not always, because as a human being, I feel quite a lot and to acknowledge it all will mean a state of confusion. What I mostly acknowledge though is anger, sadness, hate, boredom, tiredness, hunger, pain, all of this I personally find easy to acknowledge, but there some that I seldom do.

Well to be honest and hypocritical no I don`t not when I feel it. Though I must admit I do find a small difference in terms here because I do try, (try mind you) to be honest with myself about how I feel (though sometimes, more in a retrospective way, I`m working For me I find the term what and how slightly different but I`m not picking straws just saying. I often find find its dealing with how or what I feel that can bring the difficulty and here in may lie the hypocrisy