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Position:Home>Philosophy> You made ur own DESTINY??

Question:Hello. Is it true that before u were born u already chose your life, your destiny? they say that u already know the things that will happen to u and once u get born u start to forget them all... What is ur statement about that?? thanks :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hello. Is it true that before u were born u already chose your life, your destiny? they say that u already know the things that will happen to u and once u get born u start to forget them all... What is ur statement about that?? thanks :)

the minute we wake up, we already are making decisions. thousands a day. small decisions to big ones. all, that will make you to the person you want to be, or will break you to be someone, you dun expect yerself to be.

destiny is a term similar to prediction. or assumtion. it's kind of a goal. like you already know what you wanted to become someday. but the problem is, you dont know how to get through that future you. so, this is where you make, or break yourself. if you keep on picking up decisions that puts you one step closer to your dreams, then, you can say that yer making your destiny right. but if yer decisions puts you a step farther from your dreams, then yer making your destiny wrong. thus, we can say that we are making ouor own destiny. nothing is preordained in this world. everything is happening as it is.

well i beleive in fate. i reckon everything has already been planned for us..and we are simply just playing our roles.
like shakespear is a stage and we are all actors playing out part

I believe in that.

No , I think our life is made 70% up to our personal decision and 30% up to unpredictable situations that happens and that we cannot control.
This 30% of situations can affect the 70% of decision that we made and could be forced to change.
Destiny is just a mix of all of this and it's not 'written' if not in our hearts.

Well if that's true then before we were all born everybody got together and worked on their lives so there would be no contradictions. e.g 2 people planning to marry the same person so I don't think there is a remote chance of that being true.

Well personally, if i had chosen my life before hand then i was diluded! Alot of things have happened to me which i dont find fair. I didnt pick my life, i believe some force chose a large plan for me, with different oppertunities and the way i chose to do things lead to different doors.

Well lets just put it this way. Would you really plan to kill someone else later in your life?

I think so, but to a certain degree.

I don't think every little thing is mapped out in precise detail, otherwise living life would be completely futile.
I think there are goals, and the experiences we have, everything that occurs while we are on the paths we choose, become all the lessons we came here for. But we also have total control of our choices.

And all that jazz.

Everybody is destined and when time comes you will reach there. Just play your role as a kid, teen ager, adult, and so on.

a concept of deja vu

but hell why are you asking US?

as if we would know any better than you do

i do not work at pearly gates you know

you are your own god.

You choose how to act and do not choose your circumstances...but how you act and react can influence your circumstances to a great degree.

I have heard it argued that way in support of reincarnation/ past life existence. If life is for learning the theory does make sense. What one has learnt transforms from perception into knowledge and learning is then no longer necessary. If learning is not complete then it makes sense that the opportunity is extended. Assuming that we become aware of the learning still pending after physical death, it would make sense to have a second chance and indeed have a say in choosing situations that engender that lesson for our next life.

I don't believe in destiny. I believe that we were given free will. What we do with that free will is how we will spend our lives both negatives and positives.
**About knowing ahead of time I'm pretty stymied about that one. On one hand I can see my spirit whizzing around God's throne and being in tune with my creator. On the second I really don't know - although I have told my children that they picked who their parents would be - usually in response to an angry voice saying "I didn't ask to be born".

***But could you elaborate on who 'they' are - it would/might make a difference if I knew who 'they' were.