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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's the wost thing you've forgiven then regretted later??????????

Question:But if you regret forgiving, then you didn't actually forgive...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: But if you regret forgiving, then you didn't actually forgive...

I forgave a person for using me then they just ended up doing it again.

letting a drunk driver who hit my car to get a way with it after paying for the damage. I hope he didn't hurt anybody after that.

I forgave people not to understand me ever and now am regretting.

I forgave someone for kicking me in the balls. Now i wish i kicked his bludy head in!

forgiving the insults that was thrown at you and yet they still persist in insulting you.

Absolutely rite!!!Andosia....she shud get best answer

i forgive my dad every day but he doesnt change so the cycle just repeats. its kinda cruel. but you can never be too forgiving

If you've forgiven something to regret it would be benign as you would then not have forgiven the indiscretion or action in the first place.But merely accepted it as a benchmark for future events and occurrences.

No one in their right mind ever regrets forgiving anything.

Love and blessings Don