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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why must all good things come to an end?

Question:Possibly not the answer you're looking for but even the most stable protons have a half-life of around 11 billion years.

Everything on Earth will end in about 5 billion years anyway when the Sun expands to be a red giant star and either swallows us up, or blows us away.

My advice. Enjoy yourself now and be good to others. You're a long time dead.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Possibly not the answer you're looking for but even the most stable protons have a half-life of around 11 billion years.

Everything on Earth will end in about 5 billion years anyway when the Sun expands to be a red giant star and either swallows us up, or blows us away.

My advice. Enjoy yourself now and be good to others. You're a long time dead.

Because there is a season for everything.

Life is a circle... a endless cycle where one thing begins, another develops and another ends.... we live in a world where life is constantly adapting but life itself is finite. Things will always in one form or another but will forever be in a constant movement of change.

the good things would get boreing

Good things come and go. They change. Life is full of change and suprises.

If all good things lasted forever, we'd never learn to appreciate them.

Just that there is always evil with the good we must deal with. Nothing stays the same forever, even people change or evolve over time. We don't notice how good we have something until the bad comes into play and we look back and see our life was really pretty good. You wouldn't know how happy you could be if you never got sad and felt how bad that was. No one is lucky enough to go through life with nothing bad to experience. That is part of growth and learning.

They don't have to. But we must come to an end someday.

all things come to an end, good and bad are illusions

Because the only thing that's constant is that nothing is constant.

thats a saying and not necessarily so who said that anyway

Because we need to take a break 6(^-^)9

Can't make love for 24 hours. Need to sleep.

so something else can begin