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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why are people so threatened by loners?

Question:Most loners reject the popular culture and brainwashing going on. Others are a bit envious that they have this quality. Loners seem less needy of things like money and outside relationships to make them happy.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Most loners reject the popular culture and brainwashing going on. Others are a bit envious that they have this quality. Loners seem less needy of things like money and outside relationships to make them happy.

Walk in to a bank with a mask on and scare everyone there.
Now study a loner.

Both have their identities hidden and you never know what to expect from either one.

they do not like what they do no understand. sometimes the mystery causes them to make up horrible stories.

People that are afraid of loners are threatened by their independence.
It all returns to religion. Why is it in place?
People need a higher power to rely on. They refuse to believe their fellow man in independent. And if they come across someone that is, they are considered an anomaly.


I think many people are very afraid of being alone

There is a lack of communication -- hence lack of understanding -- for loners. Fear is in that people do not know how loners would react to them. Trust is often a mutual respect of each other and that respect may require communication and acknowledgment.

i was somewhat of a loner in high not so much but i believe the reason is because they don't have the BALLS...''yes i said it'' to even talk to some one that don't follow the pack.

if they don't hang with the lambs they haft to be a wolf

Man is, by nature, a social animal. When someone goes off by themselves, they are seen as anti-social even if there is reason for them to seek privacy.

There's a lot of people who still don't get it why I prefer my own life. No men. No women. When I come home, I am busy writing and it's just too crowded when I have physical people here.