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Position:Home>Philosophy> How can we save our future ?

Question:We should stop worrying about the future and try to live well in the present. Thomas Jefferson thought it arrogant for a particular generation to try to make rules or accommodations that would bind later generations ( why he recommended a revolution every twenty years or so ). Likewise, it might be arrogant for "us" to define what saving our future means and try to impose that definition on others, especially later generations.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: We should stop worrying about the future and try to live well in the present. Thomas Jefferson thought it arrogant for a particular generation to try to make rules or accommodations that would bind later generations ( why he recommended a revolution every twenty years or so ). Likewise, it might be arrogant for "us" to define what saving our future means and try to impose that definition on others, especially later generations.

Our future will be there, our childrens' future is less certain.

By really wanting it.

who cares;as long as the world doesn't end in the next 35 years.

Recycle. Stop eating so much food; espicailly in America . stop wasting so much paper.

I guess cutting back on electricity & crap like that.

You can't save something until you have it and even then it's a really big chore.

By learning from our past.

Maybe it has been saved already and we had nothing to do with it. Perhaps a divine process that has already taken place in the future turns all our vain attempts into mockery.
Perhaps only the present actually exists.

Teach our children well. They are the future.
Be more responsible collectively towards children. Recognize how to put positive rather than negative imput into their growing understanding. Clean up the media in that respect. Love them all, and give them dignity, not bloated egos or fear.
Encourage them to love mother earth and to share with each other, and to respect. Don't teach them selfish materialistic ways. Don't over-indulge them and don't neglect them.
Love them, encourage them and discipline them.

Put it in a glass container. No really. You can't save the future, it's not reachable. We are always in the present.

Recycle everything possible
particularly plastics - even more so on the west coast of the U.S.

Minimise energy use in all forms where ever and however possible.

Love others - even when they can be unlovable.

Turn to God Almighty and pray.

remembering our past.

by working hard...the "secret" is that there's no magic involved....the key is to start now and stick to it.