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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do we always want what we cant have?

Question:in all aspects of life i always want what i cant have why am i like this

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: in all aspects of life i always want what i cant have why am i like this

Because you dont want to stick to the rules.
The rules are telling you not to do these things and you dont want to follow them.
I do the same.
Its much less appealling when you are allowed something.

Because as humans we are driven to succeed. To be denied something we want drives us more and sometimes drives us to distraction.

because if you could have it then you would get it and you wouldn't want it anymore.

Because you're human.

Because when we already have something we no longer want it, because we already have attained it.
But when we don't have something, then that thing seems more desirable, that is until we receive or obtain it.

Because something you can't have is much more desirable than something that you can have. Its totally normal and i wouldn't worry about it!

Cos your bleeding greedy.

what would be the point in striving any way if we keep at it sometimes we get our dearest wish good luck hon think lucky ava star for your luck

There is nothing unattainable in this universe! So we always want the things that we can 've. It's just the matter of will power & hard word!

Because we can't have it.

Better question is
' Why do we always get what we dont want'.

Human nature. It's what got us where we are today.

We have forgotten how to appreciate the good things in life like family, friends, laughter, nature. The world today seems to be all about consumerism and profit which brainwashes people into thinking they NEED all these material 'things' to be a worthwhile human. It's nonsense of course and we shouldn't succumb! I'm not a huge fan of The Beatles but when they said 'All You Need Is Love', they were right and love can come from lots of places.

its humans' nature to seek what they cant have, after all, whats so exciting about getting whats already there?

Feeling interested is just for something that we don't own. Human always never feels satisfied.

Because if we could have it,
then we already would.
So if we already had it,
then why would we want it?

Cause reality reflects the contents of our consciousness, and we attract what we think. So If it's "I want", we will attract more "I want" instead of "I have".
More of that state of wanting, and not actually having. Get the drift?

If you already had it, you wouldn't want one.
Anyway, I reckon most folks want all the pretty marbles in the bag, and are unrealistic in their greed and envy sometimes.

I can look at a very expensive car, and, sure, I want it, but I know I cannot afford it, so just walk away and am happy with the car I have.

well... i guess nearly the whole world will be rich and famous! haha
[well i dont want to be either of them lol]
probably everyone wont be working cos they've got the money and also life wouldn't be fun and challenging!
if we had wot we wanted and not wot we needed [you following?] then it would be a hell of a boring world!!
well thats how i see it....

because we don't have it! It is a simple egoism!

It`s human nature.
To long for the things we don`t have is to waste the things we have!

i think that's expression's used to often.

as a girl, i can't really grow as a penis. doesn't mean i want one.

but yes, sometimes when want something already and it's unlikely you'll ever get it, you want it more badly, mostly because you think about it more.

We always want what we can't have because we are afraid of not being able to handle what we could get if it were available to us.

For example: A fainthearted man always goes for what he first makes sure is not available just to show that he is capable of what he wants. That's a way to hide what he lacks.