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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do we blame all a problems on unseen forces, deities and groups?

Question:People blame Satan for the worlds evil.

For a long time mental illness was atributed to demons and still is in some parts of the world.

People have even blamed secret groups such as the Illuminate ect. for pretty much everything.

What next?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: People blame Satan for the worlds evil.

For a long time mental illness was atributed to demons and still is in some parts of the world.

People have even blamed secret groups such as the Illuminate ect. for pretty much everything.

What next?

For the same reason people blame their parents for all the things that are wrong with them. It is easier to blame someone than to take on any kind of responsibility. People would generally rather shake their fist at the heavens and ask "why" than go to any kind of personal toil to affect a change. It is better to put a "satanic" face on evil than have to put your OWN face and the faces of those you love to the evil things that we do. Not all people are like this though. Some people really do feel that the state of our world really is their personal responsibility. I try to be like these people but find myself repeatedly falling short of the mark. But I do NOT blame God, Satan or any other Powers for the problems of this life. And the sky is the limit for what is next. PEOPLE I don't think will ever fully let this practice of blaming go!

Most people are unwilling to accept responsibility for their actions. It's much easier to blame something that could never prove you wrong.

we blame in order to avoid responsibility. Responsibility implies choice. If we do not choose then choice is made for us. Then we can blame. Easy!

We blame others so as not to have to take that blame onto ourselves. If people would take more responsibility for their actions I think we would see a lot less of this. If you make the mess - you clean it up. RESPONSIBILITY!!!!

So we won't have to take the blame..
It's so much easier..
Like I complain all the time and I could say I complain all the time because God doesn't love me..
That's blaming God for me complaining all the time.
We don't see God..
So that's a unseen force.

immaturity- a child requires inputs. An adult requires freedom and self-reliant responsibility.
Why are our adults immature? Is a much better question.

Who blames all problems on "unseen sources"? Problems are first defined in their essence and only then are they treated according to their nature. I really don't understand your point.

Reverend Jeremiah Wright suspecting U.S. government of killing black Americans with covert programs. Shades of "cousin Adolph."

Blame game is often by disenfranchised, e.g. Rev. Wright blaming the 48% reported STD rate among American black female teenagers on something beside current black American "culture." He can't speak the truth to that, unlike Bill Cosby or Dr. Walter Williams or Dr. Thomas Sowell, because he doesn't care to understand that that Center for Disease Control survey indicates that black American teenagers were far less diseased 50 years ago, and since MLK's time American black teenage behavior has gone in the wrong direction, even as white American society was becoming less bigoted.

That's what's happening now.

On the other hand, there are legitimate concerns: kindly see "The True Story of the Bilderberg Group," Daniel Estulin, and "Red Cocaine," Dr. Joseph Douglass, for example.

We create our own reality so it's easier for people to blame for problems instead of seeing their part of it.


i dont.

The same reason people need a god.
There is an utter lack of any form of responsibility.
No one wants to take the blame for what is bad, and selfish people never want to let others have fame for what is good.
A deity exists because there must be someone higher than you, and demons are there to eliminate blame from oneself.
It's pretty smart when you think about it.


Because it's only human to blame others for
our shortcomings. We find too hard to take responsibilities for what we do.

Think of the beginning: Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the Serpent, and the Serpent blamed God. And God stayed blamed for interfering with man's freewill. That's why since then He has left man alone, but we still
blame Him for everything.

bcause they need something to put it on, besides, they dont want to be wrong, that is the biggest fear.

Your Majesty...I hate to disagree with you, but all that is negative in this world is of the devil..and he moves in mysterious ways.
Having just said that, I don't believe in conspiracy theories either.