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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do we exist? are we an echo of what has previously existed? or are we a living p

Question:Lightning strikes from the ground up. A tube of electricity shoots into the sky and then the light travels down it.

We are traveling down a pre-created tube.

So the actions we see in the present are not free will. But with meditation and self awareness you can create the tube.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Lightning strikes from the ground up. A tube of electricity shoots into the sky and then the light travels down it.

We are traveling down a pre-created tube.

So the actions we see in the present are not free will. But with meditation and self awareness you can create the tube.

you can go insane thinking like that

no before,no after,you live you die the end.

We are part of a never-ending chain of all that has come before us, and all that will come after us.

All three....your highness...but it's best to try and live in the present as much as possible.

Personally, I'd say we're all three.

One could argue we all that.
You exist, you are also and echo of the past, knowledge, remembrances.
From there you project a future.
But that is merely existence.
To live don't you need to be in the only moment that really ever matters.
Namely in the Now?

1. At least in some respect, you would need to better define your terms for a better response. Whether we exist in the physical world, or someone's imagination or anywhere else... we exist somewhere

2. Fairly unlikely, but possible... it would remove the potential for freewill - which I agree with, but then I would say that if I had said that before.

3. I think you need to read this one again and understand what you are asking... sounds like bullshit to me.

@Freelance Prophet... we aren't electricity, so I don't know how what you've said equates... and electricity takes the route of least resistance, something which a human being very rarely takes... possibly to the point that this fact in itself proves that we aren't electricity!

I really don't know..But I feel sometimes that I'm not real..I do think we are all dead and we're haunted spirits or something..

If you have doubt's about if we exist or not, don't pay any bills for 6 months, you will find out then.

I think the establishment want us to live in the dark ages because truth be told if we dare rebel against it or choose to be different they would prefer us to be gone. The facist regime system we are forced to live in is a disgrace.

I can only wish this isn't the future.

Now for an holistic approach;
Yet forces seem to be pulling us both ways and it feels as though we are trapped in a state of nowhere going nowhere faster than the speed of light.

OK, OK, not faster because we are effectively travelling at the same speed as light.

Ask yourself how can any possible answer to this question actually effect your action and your life?

If you take care of the present then the past and the future will take care of themselves, as that Bassy woman said, "Just Like A Little Bit of History Repeating" the echo idea seems to be along those lines. Our children are the future, expecially those that aren't born.

Yes ^3

We exist.

We exist. We're not an echo or a prophecy.

Well... lets see.... lets not!!!

All the above is true: I believe we do exist as
an echo of what has previously existed by those who prophesied in the past about our
life in the future.