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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can a person actually?

Question:be unlucky? They live their life right, eat right, live by the laws of society and their moral and ethical beliefs yet still nothing goes in their favor? I don't know if I can say that I believe in fate or destiny... I can't see each life being predetermined. But can someone just be permanantly unlucky even if they do everything right?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: be unlucky? They live their life right, eat right, live by the laws of society and their moral and ethical beliefs yet still nothing goes in their favor? I don't know if I can say that I believe in fate or destiny... I can't see each life being predetermined. But can someone just be permanantly unlucky even if they do everything right?


luck has nothing to do with your morals,behaviors,thoughts,intentions or actions.

luck is a separate entity dealing only with results.


Of course. It doesn't mean there is some cosmic force against them or anything though. Some people defy the odds and have more things go against them. But I also feel a lot of what happens to us begins with how we think. If we constantly think negatively and look at life from that aspect, that is what will happen.

i dont know if the bad luck can be permanent but still i hope no one can be unlucky forever
just bad phases eclipse life for a while and again time moves on makings things clear and thats a natural cycle
but no one can live theier life right always.........some where they faulter

How a person perceive and feel is what she/he attracts. If he consciously believes that he/she is unlucky then he is unlucky. If you give kindness and love to others it will comeback to you and luck has nothing to do with it.

Sure, but as plastic punk stated our lives are effected by our attitudes, for example: Forest Gump a man who lived right but wasn't the smartest man around, but with a positive attitude, and a little effort almost everything he touched turned to gold.
I know it's the opposite of your un-lucky question, but applied the same way.