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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can it just be?

Question:possible that life is nothing more than luck. A series of daily and momentary events that are based on nothing more than luck... being at the right or wrong place at the right or wrong time, speaking or doing the right thing at the wrong time etc. No cause and effect involved just pure luck of the draw?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: possible that life is nothing more than luck. A series of daily and momentary events that are based on nothing more than luck... being at the right or wrong place at the right or wrong time, speaking or doing the right thing at the wrong time etc. No cause and effect involved just pure luck of the draw?

If this were so then whose pulling the cards, what force or being is looking at it and saying, I'll pull this card here for johnny today and this one for mary", yeah it could deffinetly be random acts of "luck of the draw" but what determins who gets what?

let it be!

You make your own luck.

not at all...

there are certain things based on the fact that 1+1=2 like if you wanted to hug a fast train you would end up in pieces.

luck has nothing to do with you...luck comes to anybody anywhere and anytime regardless.

good luck