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Position:Home>Philosophy> Poll: Is there any point of "fighting a temptation" ???

Question:It depends on how much you are willing to learn about yourself.
Some will fight temptation of even the most basic of desires just to make a point even if it is only for themselves, others give it up early and admit that they do not truly wish to be the master of their desires.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It depends on how much you are willing to learn about yourself.
Some will fight temptation of even the most basic of desires just to make a point even if it is only for themselves, others give it up early and admit that they do not truly wish to be the master of their desires.

Only, if you know, someone will get hurt by this "temptation"!

I try to tell people that...but do they listen!
The candy is good!

Don`t fight a tempation. Think like Oscar Wilde said:
I can resist anything, but not a temptation.

Temptation is always around, but there are many things that will not lead to a good outcome if you do them. If you're tempted to do one of those things, yes, there is a point in fighting it.
But really, what makes it a temptation for you? The fact that it is a temptation at all means that you already know it's something you should avoid.

Yes, it helps you to grow and find out more important things that you care about.

Only if it will bring real harm to you.

It's like fighting the air or a phantom. Only truth exists.

the only reason to fight a temptation is if it is going to hurt anyone or anything in anyway what-so-ever.

Yes, there is.

Temptation represents something that we might not should do.

a lot of us fight temptation every day in one form or another sometimes it is best to keep your mouth zipped not to eat that big piece of cake,not to tell a little white lie give back that extra quarter the clerk gave you so many temptations some you win over others you dont