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Question:Is compassioned learned? If not, what is the root of compassion?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is compassioned learned? If not, what is the root of compassion?

emotion is the route to compassion, when you value emotions, have empathy for the pain of others that's when you become compassionate... strong people use these feelings to fight for others...

oh thats the "REAL" mirror!!

humility teaches it!!

I think it is generally unlearned. I believe we are born with compassion, but the coldness of society usually suppresses it in most people. I do believe that we can come to a point of humility in our lives where we once again become sensitive to compassion and decide to let it play a role in our lives once again.

Yes, it can be learned. However, it can also be picked up vicariously.

Acts of compassion, courage or tolerance have a special psychological potency for most people, moving or even thrilling them. Seeing someone help the sick or poor can trigger elevation, and so can simple thoughtfulness. It can inspire you to do likewise.

The sight of one stranger helping another out-of-the-blue can move people to tears. Exactly why that might be we do not quite know.

In conclusion: We are wired to be inspired.


Compassion is the deep understanding/feeling of the emotional state of a person - combined with the desire to stop their suffering and relieve the person of their pain - and shows special kindness to those who suffer.

Some people have compassion within themselves naturally.

Other people have no compassion at all.

When people have little, or no, compassion .. they need to take time to consider other people - and try to develop compassion for their fellow man.

Well I don't exactly think we are born with compassion, I think we learn that from our parents, even grandparents as infants or even toddlers, when we are little bean sprouts everyone shows us compassion so it's easy to learn it because we are shown it from the very beginning.