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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does sorrow ever make you happy?

Question:We should feel sorrow, but not sink under its oppression...Confucius.

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: We should feel sorrow, but not sink under its oppression...Confucius.

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Yes. I believe that sorrow and joy can live together.
When I think of my Oma (grandmother), my dad and my best friend, all of whom have passed away, I feel great sorrow at the loss but great joy at the good memories. I was fortunate to have had them for the time I did. Sorrow is a necessary part of our humanity. When we try to deny it we become frozen and lose our authenticity. Mourning, weeping and even wailing can help in the healing. Keeping a stiff upper lip may help others but does little for our own healing. The trick, as Confucius said, is not to let it dominate you. You have to keep the balance. As my father developed cancer my sister had her wedding, sorrow and celebration. As my father neared death, his latest grandchild was born, tears of pain and joy. Always remember the balance.

Only in the aftermath, when I see that without sorrow, I would not have an experience to compare happiness to. Its like what I always say, there cannot be shadows without the light.

Soooo glad to be sad.

Maybe not happy but peaceful after you understand the sorrow. I think the beauty of having such opposite emotions is that each emotion then magnifies the other emotions.

Yes it's like the sun will shine tomorrow and you feel better knowing that fact.

Sorrow does not make me happy, but it does help me to appreciate happiness more....for there must needs be opposition in all things!

Yes, it makes me think of things I don't suffer from, and makes me more grateful in contrast. Even during a sad time, I can think of and feel grateful for the inner strength that I have because of previous hard times I've pulled through (much to my surprise) and whatever outside sources of love and support I have at the time. It makes me appreciate good people, even short-term acquaintences, and whatever relevant stories or feelings they may share with me in sympathy.
Sorrow and joy is like good and evil - can't have one without the other.

sometimes its so beautiful. its meaningful because if there were no saddness, there would never be happiness to follow.

Well, the best way to get rid of an emotion is with another stronger one. That's true in the sense that an obnoxious state of mind is
usually erased by an opposite one. A time of sorrow usually brings happy moments afterwards. An excessive demonstration of mourning predisposes the human organism
to avoid all paroxysms of any further painful emotions.

the only time I can think of when sorrow made me happy was when my paternal grandmother died. My grandfather had died two years before and she was so lost without him, he was the love of her life. When she died, yes there was sorrow, but also a happiness because she was no longer hurting and sad. And with her being so religious, I'm sure she believed she was going to be with him and her moment of death was peaceful.

There is a Christian song...Joy Comes In The Morning..Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes Lord ..Amen....I am in a lot of pain and sorrow right now in my own life, I am going through a painful separation and divorce. Thank you for asking the question, because it just hit me about the song. JOY COMES IN THE MORNING AND I AM WAITING