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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why would a Mind imagine a Universe?

Question:What is the purpose of imagination?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is the purpose of imagination?

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You question is perhaps unintentionally questioning the reasoning of God. God being originally a sort of "mind" and his universe a sort of "thought."

The mind didn't imagine the universe, it discovered it, and in doing so unlocked a multitude of questions that related to the universe such as, 'Why are we here?', 'Why are we limited to this world by our feeble bodies?', 'Why are there no answers to some of our questions?', and the imagination is a sort of pathway that can help alleviate the stress and anxiety that comes from not being able to answer these questions, or coming up with false answers, or learning to accept the unfinality of the world.

Imagination sets goals for inovation. Someone had to imagine the light bulb, the car, the computer, etc. People also imagine colonies on the moon, travel to other planets, etc. It is that initial idea that drives us to achieve.

I like to think that imagination is a doorway to other dimensions. Or at least a key.

Einstein used his imagination to wonder what it would be like to ride on a particle of light. Theory of relativity resulted. Also Atomic age. E=mc2

That's pretty good for one guy's imagination.

"The only thing that we can say about the properties of the ultimate particles is that we know nothing what-ever about them." Robert Oppenheimer.

To create an experiential reality.

Love and blessings Don

Imagination is the result of the mind's higher evolution. Animals don't require it. It was imagination which created buildings to live in, instead of trees and caves. It created farms for food, instead of gathering nuts and berries.