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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe that humans are intrinsically good (or bad)? If so, why?

Question:The concept of good or bad is a funny thing. If you consider someone bad, it doesnt necessarily mean others will too think he is bad. You can think that someone is a good person, but it may turn out as your mistaken.

If you ask someone a question that does not have a particular answer, you will find people answering differently. Some people will seem heartless because of their answer; but to them its merely more logical solution.

Good and evil is an artificial concept, its hard to determine.

But to answer your question, i personally think the environment is the biggest factor. What shapes our personality and our way of thinking, the view of life is our lives. You see teenagers that are rebels mostly have a hard life. Divorce, financial problems, etc; and they are tired, and hurt, they look at the world negatively. And some of them break into stores so they can steal money.(which can be interpreted 'bad'.)

Another factor is greed. People do evil things to earn more money; and this also counts as environment.

Genetic can also be a factor, but i think this is a minority. Example: some people are born with extra sex chromosome, that makes them more violent, and less tolerant, thus, leading the greater possibility of crime. Which some people can interprete them as 'bad' people.

Personally, i believe environment is a bigger factor, humans by nature is greedy and egoistical, but this is how we learned to survive, so i personally wouldnt take it as simply, 'bad'.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The concept of good or bad is a funny thing. If you consider someone bad, it doesnt necessarily mean others will too think he is bad. You can think that someone is a good person, but it may turn out as your mistaken.

If you ask someone a question that does not have a particular answer, you will find people answering differently. Some people will seem heartless because of their answer; but to them its merely more logical solution.

Good and evil is an artificial concept, its hard to determine.

But to answer your question, i personally think the environment is the biggest factor. What shapes our personality and our way of thinking, the view of life is our lives. You see teenagers that are rebels mostly have a hard life. Divorce, financial problems, etc; and they are tired, and hurt, they look at the world negatively. And some of them break into stores so they can steal money.(which can be interpreted 'bad'.)

Another factor is greed. People do evil things to earn more money; and this also counts as environment.

Genetic can also be a factor, but i think this is a minority. Example: some people are born with extra sex chromosome, that makes them more violent, and less tolerant, thus, leading the greater possibility of crime. Which some people can interprete them as 'bad' people.

Personally, i believe environment is a bigger factor, humans by nature is greedy and egoistical, but this is how we learned to survive, so i personally wouldnt take it as simply, 'bad'.

i believe that humans are born either good or bad. i know some really good people and bad and that just seems to be their nature.

I think humans start as a lump of clay and that their attitudes and demeanors are learned behavior or molded, if you will. If youre looking for a concrete answer, I guess you can say they are good. If youre not one, then youre the other.

Both arise mutually. Remember the old cartoons before the invention of political correctness? A character would have a little devil on the left shoulder and a little angel on the right, both advising. And the character had to decide which way to go.

It's like that with us humans. We are neither good nor bad intrinsically, but we are subject at all times to both the good and the evil inclination.

Grasshopper; can you chose wisely?


Depending upon Time, Place, present Idiosyncratic behavioural patterns and the lunacy expressed through dogged religious phenomena.

Thats why laws were made.

People are not born knowing whats wrong, and wouldnt know direct consequences to something.

Some things have to be learned.

some humans are bad by nature some are good. but most of us behave according to our environment. we do what is best to help us survive in a confusing sometimes hostile world. what helps ourselves and our friends and family sometimes can hurt another person.
for example a man is out with his family and he sees a less fortunate man asking for money. the family man does not have enough money to share because it would take food away from his children. The less fortunate man begs and then begins to act aggressively but not violent . the family man feels threatened and defends his family by hurting the other man. Is the beggar bad for asking for money? Is the other man bad for attacking him? One person was going to be hurt in this confrontation no matter what and after the event was over both sides would accuse the other of being bad.