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Question:How much data can the human brain contain? How much data does your human (or E.T.) brain contain? This is an equal opportunity question: Answers are welcome from humans, E.T.'s, time travelers and other entities.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How much data can the human brain contain? How much data does your human (or E.T.) brain contain? This is an equal opportunity question: Answers are welcome from humans, E.T.'s, time travelers and other entities.

Yes, it's true. But saying it is almost a truism. Of course there is more we do not not know than what we don't. The more we learn the more we learn that what we learned opened 100 new doors we need to open.
It will always be this way. It has to be this way. What we learn are concepts, and concepts are the integration of two or more percepts, so the more percepts we have, the more concepts there will be to integrate together.

we do not store our memory in our brain, it's much to small.. we store our memories in our bodies.. that's why an elephant never forgets.. for it's life experience is always smaller than the size of it's body.

Well,I do know that on average we only use 10% of our brain, so I suppose there is almost 10x as much potential to whatever we do achieve.

I am a very intelligent person, I'm not trying to sound conceited but I was just born with this huge amount of intelligence... And IF I were to actually try I think I would be way too smart (lol.)

Some people are just born smart, others are just born dumb. True fact of life.
