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Question:i see both human baby and dog baby and dog baby is more beautiful than human baby,dog baby eyes,skin and all the things,that is so sweet,he plays,where as human baby lie on bad and do dirty ****. DOG BABY LOOK MORE SWEET.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i see both human baby and dog baby and dog baby is more beautiful than human baby,dog baby eyes,skin and all the things,that is so sweet,he plays,where as human baby lie on bad and do dirty ****. DOG BABY LOOK MORE SWEET.

puppy is more beautiful and sweet because,dogs are more great than human beings,dogs are not selfish at all,they love there owners and love evryone,dog are more greater than humans in all respects,thats why puppy is more beautiful than
human child.moreover child of all the animals are beautiful except crocodile.
tiger cubs are also very beautiful.

I agree. Thats why I have 2 dogs and no kids. Thankfully I'm old enough to be able to say I won't ever have kids.

maybe your baby but not mine

human baby not eat his own poop

Wow! I happen to agree with you, but ---- seek help.

Yeah, puppies are cuter and sweeter than a human baby. They also grow faster which means they aren't annoying as long as babies are. God are baby animals annoying.

Dog Puppy!

does dog puppy is
does dog baby is
sweet dirty human
dog baby eyes
skin and all the things

random words meant to imply meaning

Did you sweet mama thinks that the puppy is more beautiful than you as a baby ? If your mind age is 4 years old there is possibility that you 'll think that puppy is more sweet than human baby for you are jealous or inbalance.