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Question:What would be more accurate? What you look like in photographs, or your reflection in the mirror? How come my reflection looks so different than how I look in photos? Which one tells the truth?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What would be more accurate? What you look like in photographs, or your reflection in the mirror? How come my reflection looks so different than how I look in photos? Which one tells the truth?

Neither one tells the truth. Both are metaphorical representations of how YOU look. Both are held to stand for your appearance as a culturally accepted representation. Photographs present you in a particular way which provides far less information, therefore the metaphrical aspect is more dominant.

Reflections can also include movement, and therefore give, perhaps, a closer representation.

neither one they don't show what you look like on the inside

Maybe you aren't photogenic. I found out the best ways to take pictures are to not look at the ones you are in because you're the only one who will judge it.

They both tell the truth but in different mediums. The reflection is in real life and the inverted self. Whereas a photograph is not a reflection but a picture of real life. I hope that makes sense. Later.