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Position:Home>Philosophy> What meaning does life have?

Question:Given- that every moment, there is the slightest chance that humanity can be wiped out.
Does this mean that humanity will be wiped out?
If you take any probability over a finite period of time, that probability will increase, but not become definite. However, if you take any constant probability of something happening vs. it not happening over an infinite period of time, it becomes a certainty of occurance (remember, in the context of infinity).
Take this same reasoning, and apply it towards the existence of any knowledge/idea/thought/art that you create, and the same thing happens. Even if your creation lives past humanity and into the hands and heads of another species, there always exists the possibility (and thus, a certainty) that that knowledge will be destroyed.
Extrapolate what meaning that has to your life, especially if you don't believe in God.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Given- that every moment, there is the slightest chance that humanity can be wiped out.
Does this mean that humanity will be wiped out?
If you take any probability over a finite period of time, that probability will increase, but not become definite. However, if you take any constant probability of something happening vs. it not happening over an infinite period of time, it becomes a certainty of occurance (remember, in the context of infinity).
Take this same reasoning, and apply it towards the existence of any knowledge/idea/thought/art that you create, and the same thing happens. Even if your creation lives past humanity and into the hands and heads of another species, there always exists the possibility (and thus, a certainty) that that knowledge will be destroyed.
Extrapolate what meaning that has to your life, especially if you don't believe in God.

What you give it or get out of it.

Do we even really exist? No one seems to be able to prove it to me. If there is a purpose, I have to believe that it is simply to be. Every choice we make has consequences, but it is near impossible to truly determine a correct choice.

"Dying to mortal selfishness daily" becomes a duty and a wise election if "Therefore, choose life" is taken as the command of the great I Am.

"The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis.

My belief is that if you believe in God,you don't worry about these things.Worry is assuming a responsiblity that God never intended for you to have>

I believe that our worldly things aren't permanent, everything here changes and passes. Only the essence of our being is permanent and that can never be wiped out.
To my understanding meaning of life is to learn all we can while here and it will never be a waste, no matter what happens.
Things like knowledge, wisdom we gain through our experiences makes us evolve and it doesn't perish, it carries on to our next existences, and it has nothing to do with God.

I believe all knowledge already exists, and therefore cannot be destroyed as time is an illusion. We exist in one big moment. What can be destroyed is the way in which we perceive knowledge. The meaning I make out of life is and can only be love, because it is the strongest and the only permanent force that exists, and is the basis of life. Life is what you make it, and I refuse to dwindle it down to biological impulses and responses. Frankly, that explains nothing to me since we "know" so little about the universe and how it came to be, etc.... Life, to me, is about experiencing, and being able to choose love over fear (ie negativity...)