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Question:And which colors do you assign to your emotions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: And which colors do you assign to your emotions?

Well, I think everyone is different but mine are.

Yellow-happy (we all know that the sun is a yellow orange color and that we get vitamin D from the sun which increases seritonine in the brain which is the chemical that makes us happy). Limited amounts of sunshine makes us happy. I also assign this color to some people. My sister is happy, my sister is a yellow.

Red or black is anger because they are dark colors red is the color of blood and blood in the veins makes your skin appear a more pinkish or reddish color.

White is love and honesty. It is colorless, it is untainted it is pure.

Blue is a feeling of calmness, a blue sky, clear blue water, is all calm and relaxing. The sound of running water has a calming affect, water is blue. (really clear but in the ocean or in a lake is blue(ish).

Orange makes me hungry but my favorite food is oranges.

Green is another calming color for me because it is the leaves on the trees, the grass on the ground that I love to walk barefoot in or lay on when tired or sit on to have a pic nick. Green is the sound of leaves rusteling in the wind or the sound of long stems of grass or cat tails hitting each other in the breeze. Green is growth but needs calming blue to survive along with yellow and white. Green does not need black or red to live.

Those are my colors - I don't really assign emotion to the other colors.

I guess most perceive darker colors to be gloomy and horrific as to brighter colors show happiness, and soft colors show peace and tranquility.

My depressing colors are black, brown, and navy. My fun colors are usually neons like lime green and orange or yellow. Something bright and fun that stands out. And when i just don't care..I wear something calming like teal or beige.

not sure but I read some books on it and it works are far as defining your emotional personality - and I tested people over and over and over - is pretty close -weird

I suppose that it is based on how the majority of people see the colors, and there have been some experiments in how people in general react around or within them, lots businesses use color for different reaons and in different ways. You could also add texture to this.

Partially cultural. Red is the color of weddings, and white of funerals in asian countries, and have corresponding emotional associations.

Partially, I'd think it has to do with the color of light in various environments. Lighting inside your home (candles, fires, incandescent lights, all about 4000C blackbody radiation) have a distinct redish/orange tinge, hence warm. Direct sunlight is about 6500C, a yellowish tinge. Indirect skylight, and cloudy skies have a bluish cast (~5500C), and have a "cool" association.

I'm an amateur photographer. One of the parameters that's directly manipulatable in digital photographs is color temperature (4000C incandescent, 6500C direct sunlight, 5500C indirect skylight, &c),. The emotional effect of modifying color temperature in a photgraph is pretty striking. As are the effects of sky dome lighting. e,.g to convey a sunset, you need to have warm highlights, and cool indirect lighting.

blue: happy, satisfied, dark blue: sex, gray: neutral, gloomy, neon pink: excited, yellow green: hyper

sorry my list is weird haha

Interestingly, "cooler" colors are the higher vibrating or more energetic frequencies.

"The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet,
"Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton.

Interesting question! I'll take a shot at a couple color/emotion correlations.

Green = Greed, because the color of money is. People call the lust for money, and the unsatible desire to attain it -"greed."

Blue = Cool, becuase blue is the color of frozen water(ice). Cool maybe associated with laidback nonchalant behavior, because "blue frozen water" is motionless.
Q. What you doing?
A. Nothing, just "(Chillin"...aka..motionless) which means to be in a state of rest or relaxing

Red = Love, Danger, Passion, Desire, Danger, Stop, Warning, Hate.....

Red is associated with powerful states of emotion because red is the most powerful color to the eye "visually." If you look at the bright shades of a group colors "Bright Orange, . Yellow, Pink, Green, Red" the eye is most attracted to red (this is ironic because red, the most visually powerful color, has the weakess "lowest" light enegry. 1st color of the visual spectrum)
Red = Angry, because red is the color objects become when heated to the hottest degree. Anger causes our palms to sweat and our foreheads to perspire. Anger raises the bodies core tempature considerably. Therefore anger is a "Red emotion" because anger causes us to be at our hottest point "both physcially and mentally."
Red = Danger/Warning, because red is the most attractive color to the eye. Hence, it serves as a cautionary measure "warning" alerting us of risk and peril "danger".
Red is also the color of blood. Blood is thicker than water, and runs deeper than skin. We think of our blood the essence of our being. Thus ,"Love, Desire, and Passion" are red states of emotion because they're our "True" feelings.

White (is a shade not a color, but it) = Pure, holy, honest, innocent. etc
White light is transparent, and it gives our eyes sight. The transparency (clearness) of light reflects admireable virgin "unadultered" emotions. Consequently white light is associated with " pure, innocent" emotions.

I have no idea why yellow is associated with fear or why green is correlated with sexual appetitie (horny). I wonder why purple represents homosexuality?

They are symbols like the lion representing bravery to one people, or the beetle immortality to another.