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Position:Home>Philosophy> What Do You Feed Unconditional Love So It Doesn't Die?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Popcorn

The only true unconditional love is blood relatives.

acceptance, often people do things different than you would do it.. dress different than you would. and so on... our need to have others conform to our ideas is one thing that kills unconditional love... acceptance and respect these are the two things that feed unconditional love

There is a french word ...gratuité... that symbolize it best...spontanious generousity, goodness, joy, hope, none ego etc.

Just keep true to love...but there are no gurantees. It's stronger than any other force in nature, but very fragile. When it breaks, it's gone. Learning to let go is one of the big lessons of life.

I have no idea what you feed it and it is dying fast, if it was even there too begin with.
What is unconditional love anyway?
What is love? Sometimes it seems like a big ball of hype and expectations that are never seen or soon disappear.

Unconditional love will never die.

Nothing; all things unconditional stand on their own unsupported. How do you kill unconditional hatred.

Lotza sickily sweet smiles, hugz, and kissez!!!

Joy, comfort, compassion, love, tenderness, caring

Powdered passion.