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Position:Home>Philosophy> What should be the identification of a

Question:when some one male or female owns pure intellectual then one become above human because all the tings you listed comes in him naturally and one become top of them and all the religions cultures respect him as he belongs to them or you can say he becomes every body,s human. so pure intellectual is become is identification. thanks.that identification should be for all human beings. thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: when some one male or female owns pure intellectual then one become above human because all the tings you listed comes in him naturally and one become top of them and all the religions cultures respect him as he belongs to them or you can say he becomes every body,s human. so pure intellectual is become is identification. thanks.that identification should be for all human beings. thanks.

whatever they want it to be

none. it's all trivial and unneccesary.
despite theory, thought, physical and mental abilities,
we are all just human.

however, to identify humanity from other species, look at how we socialize- the negs and pros.

mortality -> we all have it in common. Everything else you listed can be judged based on your perspective which can be manipulated.