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Position:Home>Philosophy> If nothing can be perfect, how do you know when you've done your best?

Question:How do you know you couldn't have done better?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How do you know you couldn't have done better?

This is highly subjective... As long as you are reasonably satisfied that any extra efforts would not have improved the outcome in a meaningful way relative to its practical purpose(s) you can be fairly assured you did your best!

for me, it is just if you look at what you've done or made and are satisfied with what you did.

Usually you know if you've done your best if you spent a fair amount of time on it.

you just know. something inside you tells you that you've given all you got.

Ask the kids at the Special Olympics.
You know when you've done your best. And when you have not. You know.

If you want to know the answer to this question,which has a relative answer( relative to each person that answers). Then all you have to do is ask yourself " Did I do my best, is that the best I have to give?" Providing you can be honest with yourself, then only you can answer that question......Don't sell yourself short.

there is "perfect" all around us, the human body, animal body, leaves ect ect ect.. they are perfect in that they do what their purpose calls for them to do/be...perfect is also measured from the standpoint of the best.. when the best is beaten (as in track racing), then a new perfect is formed.. in this instance perfect is.. dependant upon the outcome of events (folks racing), perfect is also finite.. as in bowling a pwefect score is just that... there is nothing tobe/can be added to increase the perfect score. this is three levels of perfect each is true and stads alone or with other trueism

I always give it my all, so the results will have to be my barometer

When you distinguished the fine line between genius and insanity.

Because perfection does not exist, then your best can never be compared to it.

Having said that, your personal "best" will always depend on your own personal standards and how high you set the bar for yourself. You can succeed at something or accomplish something better than anyone else, but if it's not never good enough for you personally, then it will never be your best.

Do you agree?

Accept yourself .....never use negative language toward yourself

There's always someone better at something.

when you can look back on whatever it is you have done and have no regrets because you know that you could not have done any better.