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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is so mistical about being stupid?

Question:We was in the past, so much to cause war. why use god for it to return?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: We was in the past, so much to cause war. why use god for it to return?

There is nothing mystical about being stupid. But it may be stupid--or at least delusional--to be mystical.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

Actually, I think what they meant when they said that "being stupid is akin to being mystical" is that the word "mystical " is synonymous to the word "foggy" which in turn means "dense" ," cannot see things even if it is in front of him", . It is a round about way of saying the guy is stupid. The guy who said it was being kind . It was a play of words


I would say that I would take the idea of a fool being mystical as something along the lines of another kind of wisdom...Think of it as child-like.

By being foolish and not able to understand the complexities of things like economics, theology and so on they would have a very simple mindset and would offer their opinions from that.

For the parts of the US where there is too little water they would probably just ask...well why don't they move. I mean its not that simple...but it is what it comes down to.

I hope this helps

Rev Phil

I don't think about it, but it's possible. We'll some scientist have put a computer in about 10 cars, and the 10 cars have to race each other without a driver. Well, the result was that 3 car made it, and 7 cars did not. So the computer can control itself. Well, the world greatest chess player has resign to a computer chess player. We, as human, can't calculate as fast as a calculator does; not even as fast as a 99cent calculator. There are also those robots that made by Honda, which they can walk. They use the artificial intelligence software. scientist said that technologies are doubling it's intelligence each year. So if they have an IQ of 2, next year they will be 4, and 8, and 16, and 32, and 64, and 128, and 256, and 512, and 1024, and 2048....and so on. That's in ten years. Later on, it could triple instead of double. So, one day, if we don't die first, the artificial intelligence will be smarter than us. It will kill us or not, we are not sure. There will be some criminal robot for sure.