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Position:Home>Philosophy> What signs of allah's (gods) existance are found in nature?

Question:if u no plez help coz its a exam question 4

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: if u no plez help coz its a exam question 4

Hi - I'm an atheist but I won't give my personal opinion I just want to help you with your homework!

I remember doing RS GCSE, and the sort of things I wrote about included:

The teleological argument by william paley: this involved comparing a watch to a stone, the watch works the way it does as it is so complex (like our world) suggesting it had a creator.

The strong anthropic principle: (is the opposite of the weak sort of) that for the world to exist the conditions must be exactly right (if one small thing was different like our oxygen levels then we wouldn't survive) so it must have had a designer.

Also talk about the numinous - things in nature that make you feel wonder and awe, say that only a god could have made such beautiful things.

Sorry its not specific to the Islamic "Allah" but I think it can be applied to the entire idea of "God"

I'll think of more in a min, hope that helps for now x

None at all. Sorry.

There are none that point upwards.

What you might find is people answering this by saying what a "beautiful, complex world we live in and we are conscious." That does not point to allah. That points to itself.

To say the world is complex therefore there must be an even more complex thing that created it is more than illogical - it's insane.

(You are just complicating the original complexity)

Yeah sorry, there can't be signs of something that dosnt exist...

Well one part that amazes me is that when salmon spawn from a stream. They then go on life's journey but then return many years later to that place of sporing.
How is this so.?
They don't have a map and have only been their once before.
Flipping amazes me that dose.....

allah is not God.

grass =s



go to this website..


(ANS) Any such signs that might be found in nature are only in the mind of man.

NOTE:- There is no! such thing as God, Allah, Buddha, etc. God & Religion is only a human construct, an abstract idea.

**Other human constructs are:- Time, Money, Calenders, Freedom,etc.

**God & Religion invented by humans for humans.

**God & Religion continues to cause more pain, suffering, death & killing than it heals.

**God, Allah & Religion are the source of the problem NOT the solution.

**Nature & Mother Earth have nothing to do with religion or god. Its only man that created God or has a need for such a concept.


(Atheist and proud to be one).

absolutely none

Nature as a whole is a sign of gods works but not existence.
The most popular religions do not acknowledge nature at all or its system as a primary at all, therefore ignore allah or god entirely.We all are born into this world like every other living being with limited superiority.Hope that helps..

Look for a D ,, the fact that cells devide and multiply and stay together and form a structure that can think has to beg the question why not just devide and multiply and serve no structure , why create the brain , to feed on everything would be more the way nature alone would work ,example Plants , my thought would be the signs of gods existance would be man , otherwise gravity should dictate formation

The same signs as are found in all of Abraham's religions: the fact of existence and of everything in it.

It is what makes Abraham's religions different from Eastern religions: the West accepts that existence exists, but points, as did Plato, to the heavens (whereas Aristotle pointed to the earth.
(Aristotle could not have been Abrahamic since he believed we were moving TOWARD God. Thomas Aquinas straightened that out for the Christians and said we are OF God, oddly enough by using Aristotilean logic.)

So, all things in nature are Abraham's Yaweh/God/Allah. All things.

Muhammad's goal was to unite all Arabs under the god of Adam/Abraham/Moses/Jesus. But the 3 Abrahamic societies developed differently.

Wow people are so pessimistic here. Look up the 'golden ratio' or 'golden mean' its the same thing. It is the formula of nature, I think it to be divine. Arguably it's perfect, and I think not just random chance.

None. There is nothing in nature that suggests that a creator existed to produce it.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

Nature IS God
You can′t see the forrest because of the trees.

Creation of the sky,
creation of the earth
Creation of Oceans, Seas, Mountains,Valleys
Creation of Air, Oxygene, Human beings and animals.
Creation of life

Every living thing on this planet is made by Allah (God). Allah just means God in arabic. What a shame there are so many ingnorant answers here! Look at nature and you will see God everywhere, from the seed to the tree, from the clouds to the rain to the breeze on your face. Just go outside and feel it in the park with an open mind then try to do the question . Good luck!

You should read Genises from the bible, then the most popular current belief about the creaation of the world was that two planets collided. Both planets had the necessary parts to form life and eventually the world was created. The geologists call the result Gonwana land, all the land was togeather. The Bible says that there was a mass of water between the earth and the sky. So the bible has the creation story and other books say that that was 13.7 million years ago.