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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do arbitrary decisions impinge on the reliability of truth?

Question:Given that a multitude of our decisions our arbitrary, uninformed or eventually reconsidered; given that what we see as truth is essentially our perception of reality, no matter how strongly we believe in it; given that this perception is constantly reshaped and altered by decisions we make about it; is "truth," in the end, reliable?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Given that a multitude of our decisions our arbitrary, uninformed or eventually reconsidered; given that what we see as truth is essentially our perception of reality, no matter how strongly we believe in it; given that this perception is constantly reshaped and altered by decisions we make about it; is "truth," in the end, reliable?

That's a deep one, my friend!!

Our truth is indeed our perceived reality and our reality is merely defined by sustained consistency, since there is no other way for us to perceive it as real. In other words, if one could consistently dream for a long long period, it would be the reality for him/her...... or whatever is consistent in that long, long period would be the reality... in other words, if our period of dreaming were to be much more than the period we are awake, our realities would then be found in our dreams rather than when we are awake, but of course based on what is continually consistent.

If that is what our truth is, then it is merely relatively reliable, comparably more stable....... there is nothing basic or fundamental about our truths. The only truth is that we are not capable of ascertaining it ever.

the only thing thats .."reliable.. is Nature!!

truth is only through relationship.

Learn to distinguish the difference between errors of knowledge ["our perception of reality"] and breaches of morality. An error of knowledge is not a moral flaw, provided you are willing to correct it ["eventually reconsidered.]

No concept man forms is valid unless he integrates it without contradiction into the total sum of his knowledge. To arrive at a contradiction is to confess an error in one's thinking; to maintain a contradiction is to abdicate one's mind and to evict oneself from the realm of reality.

The truth or falsehood of all of man's conclusions, inferences, thought and knowledge rests on the truth or falsehood of his definitions. [An error of knowledge can alter our definitions.]

All definitions are contextual, and a primitive definition does not contradict a more advanced one: the latter merely expands the former.

The "truth" in the context you are using here is our reality yes?
So, assuming that, i will go out and plainly say yes. There is no one way that people follow. There can be no such thing as time travel because the past has ended and in effect there is no future as it is decided by what you are doing now. but i digress, the "truth" is a multitude of things, peoples belief, reality, (oh **** i've lost myself one second). O.k. imagine the present as a massive ball of yarn right now the big ball of yarn is rolling up the infinitwe number of strings known as the future , but only one is selected depending on how the ball twists,m turns / moves. And the future is always diffrent. This means that even if time travel could happen, the paradox's of that person being missing can change the world "the buttrfly effect" oh forget it i lost myself again.

Momentary truth of our daily reality are truth. Universal truths are absolute. Truth is then that which is fact. Absolutism's that are debatable are not truths, as inconclusive facts are not fact.

There is a perfectly simple answer but it escapes me at this time...

Open mindedness is the best and most up to date state and condition of awareness and being...

Be Brilliant ...