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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would you rather be unlucky or guilty?

Question:Two men drive down the same road in parralel universes. Both men are drunk.

One man reaches his destination safely, the other accidently kills a child who steps into the road.

Would you rather be a man who actually intended to kill the child- and thus your life would be less torturous?

Or would you be that drunk man who has to live with the accidental killing?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Two men drive down the same road in parralel universes. Both men are drunk.

One man reaches his destination safely, the other accidently kills a child who steps into the road.

Would you rather be a man who actually intended to kill the child- and thus your life would be less torturous?

Or would you be that drunk man who has to live with the accidental killing?

i would rather be the one who intended to kill the child becuase then i would know that i would have a reason for kiling someone oppsed to being responsible for killing someone who didnt do anything to me

I don't understand your question. The way you put it is they are both drunk, one accidently kills the child. The other gets home safely. What do you mean he meant to kill the child? If he meant to, why would he "get to his destination safely" without doing it??

By having a choice to have an accident, one is automatically guilty. Therefore, there really is only one true logical choice: guilt. That is also assuming that we had a choice to begin with and disregarding any plausibility of the destiny concept.

Now, please think about this, and choose my answer to be the best so I raise my Yahoo! score.

i would rather be the one who makes it home safe because now the world has changed in many different ways,and you can be charged with anything even if u really didnt do it. so i would want to be the one who made it safe home.

accidental.cause if u ever wake up from it u won't remember that it happend.And u have nothing to be guilty for.