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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is this world a Truman Show?

Question:Most of the West influenced by USA pop culture and politics seems to be. That's what made it such wonderful satire - and proved there's hope, after all, even in USA. As the old saying used to go "Can anything good come out of Bethlehem?"

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Most of the West influenced by USA pop culture and politics seems to be. That's what made it such wonderful satire - and proved there's hope, after all, even in USA. As the old saying used to go "Can anything good come out of Bethlehem?"

you caught on to us!!
oh no - now we are going to lose our jobs.
who told you?

With the way things are going, it kinda makes you wonder.....

I ask myself that EVERYDAY!

Why would anyone want to watch it? It would be canceled within a week. It is too boring and repetitive.

I got SO paranoid after I saw that movie, lol!
Anybody I looked at I thought, "Are they one of them?".

yes cos v r only pretendin to b wat v r not even thou nothin belongs to us job or even kids parents wife grl frend evth will go 1 day


This world has the potential of being a Truman show. For example, all the replies we make to questions on this site are stored away, and it would be simple for anyone who wanted to to read all the contributions different members make to this site.

Most people, however, are not interested enough in most other members to do this, so as a practical matter we still have reasonable privacy, and most of us can count on only fifteen minutes of fame.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

INo way! It's God's Show

It′s Karlita′s Show


There are times, where my sailing boat heads to the blue horizon and suddenly, ...boum!! some blue wall stops the sailing, proving that not all horizons are open.... That's the time I wish I could find that mystical door open, to go out, to see what there really is out there....

You're Fired!