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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can you read others mind by their face?

Question:yes i do

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: yes i do

No, you can't know what others are thinking from the position of their facial muscles.

You may know what they are feeling if they choose to express it.

I can tell pregnant mothers what the sex of there baby is going to be long before they have the baby.

So far I am 13 for 13 correct.

Yes, do a degree, with a great deal of accuracy. But it isn't evidence like a thumbprint. It's like body language.


it is sometimes possible to get an idea of what someone is thinking by the expression on their face.

no . most of the people have two faces.

No - a person never knows what another person is thinking.

However !! .. body language can reveal many emotions.

No, not at all. Minds are very complicated. Facial expressions can be easily manipulated to hide thoughts.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.