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Position:Home>Philosophy> HAVE you ever considered?

Question:that when people laugh at something...that we laugh because "subconcsiously" it is our way of not thinking about death?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: that when people laugh at something...that we laugh because "subconcsiously" it is our way of not thinking about death?

Yes. Absolutely yes, and thank you for bringing this up. I just wrote a paper on this. The illusion of happiness, as I argue, is this ignorance of our coming death. But the only way to be truly happy is to be happy with existence with no context to anything else.

Firecracker: Yes.

Laughing is a part of being human, just like eating, sleeping, or going to the bathroom, lol, in other terms, when you sleep, is it because we are subconsciously avoiding the thought of death?

No. I never considered that. I thought there was another reason. I still think that. I've researched the topic before but I don't have it handy right now. I'll get back to you.

I know happiness delays death but I'm not gud enough 2 analyse ur idea

what if for some reason you were happy you were going to die? etc
eg: for some reason