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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is your fine line that one should not cross?

Question:Any time someone asks/expects me to go against my principles, whether blatantly or subtlely. For example, I've had employers who asked me to lie or misrepresent myself to achieve some end; and I've had acquaintances who made vague prejudicial comments and either expected me to agree or anticipated my saying nothing. And they knew better.

That line you speak of, for me, is the line whereby someone presupposes something about me or challenges me and the result is my feeling as though I must defend my honorable stand on an issue.

"If you have a racist friend
Now is the time, now is the time
for your friendship to end..."
—The Specials

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Any time someone asks/expects me to go against my principles, whether blatantly or subtlely. For example, I've had employers who asked me to lie or misrepresent myself to achieve some end; and I've had acquaintances who made vague prejudicial comments and either expected me to agree or anticipated my saying nothing. And they knew better.

That line you speak of, for me, is the line whereby someone presupposes something about me or challenges me and the result is my feeling as though I must defend my honorable stand on an issue.

"If you have a racist friend
Now is the time, now is the time
for your friendship to end..."
—The Specials

I have so many of them, possibly you could be a little more specific.

not do do such things that makes me regret afterwards.

do not, repeat, do not mess with my family

I have a hard time when people try to invade aspects of my life that I consider personal and private. I like my own private time and private activities, and I become disheartened when I feel that people are not mindful of that.


Do not talk to me about politics or religion,that's very personal.
Don't touch my sons,or my animals.

Don't look back - someone might be gaining on you.
That is my fine line. Meaning that when you choose your way forward - don't step backwards into where you have already been.

Interspecies molestation...

Do not intentionally hurt, or ask me to hurt, other living beings.


That when one crosses such fine a line then, they need to be reminded again that even I have my fine line of crossing my limits.If tried again and again then you are treading where even angels fear to tread.
This line of statement is only for the understanding of English Literature and not the language of ignorant fools.

Invasion of privacy.