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Position:Home>Philosophy> Which is worse .. being... or thinking of being?

Question:simple L o j i x x!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: simple L o j i x x!!

Being a poor is not bad but thinking being a poor is bad.
Being an idiot is not bad but thinking being an idiot is bad.
Being an intelligent is not bad but thinking to be an intelligent is bad.

Becoming is the best part.

Deciding what you want is the hardest part. Acheiving your goals is rarely as intersting as getting there.

It's all about the journey.

I'm reminded of a joke about a guy going to barrow a jack , as he's walking to the guys house , he's thinking of all the possible things the farmer would say to him about why he doesn't want to loan the stranded moterest his jack , one possible answer after the other , he rings the door bell and again thinks of yet another reason , finally the farmer answers the door and the moterest shouts just keep your damn jack and walks off ,,, you can think yourself right out of life itself ...

thinking of being. it's a very fragile thing.

If u face unecpected worse thing , u may some how cope woth it, but if think u may be more sufferer.

this makes absolutely no sense

Thinking of being at work tonight night and just being. That is is what is worse. Love, honey

i shall say being?you are one deep dude you know?a little sug,if you dont mind i wish to see who i am chatting with,hay bud i dont care how old you are black white none of that sh.,,.means anything,but being old like myself well its nice to see what one looks like,you know and by the way anoter great question