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Position:Home>Philosophy> What MOTTO do you LIVE by ?

Question:I live by 'Find out for yourself'..
Others words dont mean anything and never works out...You can only make up your mind on something if you have experienced it..

Why do you follow yours ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I live by 'Find out for yourself'..
Others words dont mean anything and never works out...You can only make up your mind on something if you have experienced it..

Why do you follow yours ?

*****, make me a sandwich.

no but really
i live life under this motto

"never back down, never give in, just let the ******* bastard do themselves in."

taken from Haymaker by Throwdown

'I'm just a maggot on the road kill of decay.' No matter how much I work, something always happens to knock me down financially. I'm not looking forward to the Democrats promising to raise income taxes if elected.

Being true to myself.

amor vincent omnia
love conquers all

"Nothing is concrete until it's your head stone..."

Basically, people should never settle or feel that something is out of reach because anything is always possible while you're alive.

After a few years of living, the one motto became 2 then 3 then 4.. you get the picture.

"There are 2 sides of every argument"

"Listen to the words, but keep on reading the eyes"

"It is exhausting, but at least learn how things are done ".

"Wisdom- put yourself in the other persons shoes"

To thine own self be true ~ after all, it's me I've gotta live with.

I live by the motto work hard drink hard make love even harder and treat her like it's the first day you are matter!

Rock n roll will never die,for some reason it gives me a reason in life.

At the moment, my motto is,
'F u c k it'
And I'm following it because I honestly do not give a shlt at the minute!

How many cares one loses, when you decide not to become something, but to become someone.

I follow this because i see where people's identity are tied up with superficial things. (jobs, house, money, etc). I'm determined not to let that happen to me.

I live by "live and learn and be happy". I follow these because I've made mistakes and I've learned from them and I think that makes us stronger and better people. I also think life is short so we might as well have fun, smile, and be happy. Too many people spend their lives depressed. If you are alive you might as well make the best of it. So do what you love and love what you do, spend time with the people who love you, and ditch the ones you don't because it's really not worth wasting your time over. I'm not just saying that because it's common, I'm saying that from personal experience.

my faves are:
Unity, Service, and Recovery
To Thine Own Self Be True
(both are used by AA, with the second obviously taken from Shakespeare)

"Stick on a different road".
Don't follow what others do, you know?
It's what I live by.

Live free or die , from my cold dead hands .

Live and let Live.

I use a few quotes to guide me through:

"Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure." - Thomas Edison

"It is not the length of life, but depth of life." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon

"Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. it is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved." - William Jennings Bryan

However, this is my absolute favorite:
"In life, the destination is less important than the journey."

'I neither the time, nor the inclination'

Life is what you make it...make it good.

"10% is what happens to you and 90% is what you make of it"

I've always followed the philosphy that I was blessed with a great life, and I've got the whole world infront of me so why not make the best of it? I mean from the moment we were born, our time left to live has been ticking away, so take advantage of what you've got and see it from the best of view. Everyuthing happens for a reason and even if it really hurts, it makes you a stronger of a person and everything in the end will fall into place and work itself out. I see no purpose to mope about what could have been or what you wish would happen.

maybe because I was raised by a loving family, and even though we haven't led perfect lives, we were always there for each other so I always had something to fall back on so I always was able to walk through life in a positive state of mind.

Speak your mind...even if your voice shakes.

Music, and being a Shadow

"Just press Enter"
yeah, with reference to the keyboard... ^__^

i made this up nearly 4 years ago, it basically meant to go for it all. and yes, i still follow it to this day.

be honest especially with yourself be kind to others i enjoy doing nice things for others it makes me feel worth

"everything happens for a reason" i dont know why i live by this one but i like it
"beat the drum, bang the drummer" my favorite motto in life.... Drummers are hot!!