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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have you ever TOLD A LIE , then LIVED WITH IT ?

Question:How long did you live with it for.. ?
Do you still live with it and still tell the lie ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How long did you live with it for.. ?
Do you still live with it and still tell the lie ?

About 5 years.
No, I don't contact those people anymore, so there is no need to lie.

There is a 'lie' that I continue to live with to this day, but no-one asks so I just see it as withholding information.


Yes i live with it everday ,
No i dont tell it anymore since there is no need.

yes to both of them

yes..still am

i have told a bunch of lies and still lived with them for example i dont tell my parents i had a boyfrend
and i lived with that

I have. and still live with it. since about 5th grade. I told it once. and havent told anyone the truth.
but i never get asked about it so i guess i dont tell it anymore.

yes. almost cost me my relationship but i told the truth and things are good now. I still feel horrible for it and i'm going to never lie that big again.

Never told a Lie....For I am still living ;-)

yes and i still have not told the truth and know i will not ever say it again . and if someone asked i would admitted to having told a lie

Why yes, yes I have.

I told a lie many, many years ago. I'm the only one who knows the truth. The only reason that I told the lie was so that I could have a secret between me and me. That may sound silly, but I don't regret it!

And yes, I do still tell the lie. (It's not a major one!)

I've told lies before, but they weren't that big of a deal. Generally I just don't care what the other person thinks though, they should like me for me. I've not actually told a bad lie before and never broken any sort of like, criminal law or anything. So I don't really know how to answer your question other then I guess you just have to forgive yourself sooner or later.

Yea, I told it and lived with it. It's not exactly my lie but I have no choice, sometimes it's just not your place to tell. Fourteen years now, maybe in the much later future I'll tell...

Yes, i told a lie before and had to live with it. This guy in school was really annoying and kept on stalking me. To blow him off, I told him that I was a lesbian. But low and behold, the next day, their were posts on myspace saying that I was a lesbian. I had to live with it for the entire school year. People didn't believe me, even when I went out with a guy. They were like she's just doing to get rid of the rumor. I still tell this lie to get rid of guys that I don't like. I kinda got use to people calling me a lesbian.

A lie...
Hm... Define the meaning...
A big lie or a small one...?
Something that can change a person's life or something tiny and without any meaning?
You see I believe we all tell lies...
And yes...I am not an exception!
Do I feel guilty for it?
I would feel much worse if I was honest and things would be different for me and people around me....
I don't submit that we should tell lies cause truth would harm us but there are sometimes that cannot do otherwise...

ya i live with it....its not bad....

Yes, I've told many lies. Plenty of small ones, and a handful of big ones. I've lived with a few big ones, but sometimes I just can't help it and end up telling anonymous people on the Internet, since it seems much easier to tell complete strangers who don't know you than to tell those that DO know you. I have a couple or more lies that I still live with until now, and I will probably live with them for the rest of my life, unless I decide to tell my future spouse and/or children, that is. :)

Alot of times...
But everytime i look in the mirror
I hear a voice that tells me to come out clean...
Sometimes I wish i hadnt lied.. cause
After that lie it forced me to lie again...
And once you start lieing you cant stop cause
You would actually need another lie to cover the one
Before... that's the worse part.. making up lies and
Do u ever think of the out comes...
What happens when someone finds out... will you lie again..
You might have to - to just cover the first few lies you told..

In the end i did lie... a white lie.. doesnt always stay white..


oh GOD, yes. many times; and, consequently, many times i have felt terrible, for having lied. i suppose that is one of the consequences of lying (at least for me).

yes, i still live with it. i am a coward. i hope that, someday, i will have the courage to face up to it and accept the consequences for it.

p.s. the people who answered, in the affirmative, gave me the courage to answer also. i thank them.

nuff said.

I told a lie lived with it but then I said the truth, I made a fool of myself but boy did it feel good!

Yes,I lived with it for 4 weeks,I was cheating on my girlfriend.
I will never do that again!

The worst lie I have ever told was not said in words but is the smile I constantly give even when all I want to do is cry.
I have been don't it for the past 16 years and doubt I'll ever stop.

Absolutely, then try to be honest about the lie I told. Then forget it. The past is the past. Change what you can and forget it.
And, no, I live my life with truth.