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Position:Home>Philosophy> IS religon a myth, hoax or a business?

Question:Really according to the Bible itself, religion with any reality to it,has always been shoved into anilation. Religion is religion, as described in the book of Acts and Romans...however, back to the source itself, the Bible clearly states repetively in different ways to different audiences that religion would be made faulty looking by fake religion, that this would be an intense problem much like invasive cancer that would occur for a lengthy time, but then cut off. False religion, also called Christendom, and Babylon The Great is infact a buisness, that rolls in countless dough. In the book of Revelation, false religion is likened to a big whore that sits ontop of certain beast,( which most experts agree is the world goverments)using her control to get her way....which should sound like religion poking it's nose into politics, cause that is exactly what is going on. Out of curiousity, you could read the opening of the book of Revelation, and discern a general idea of the stage that occurred some time ago on the multi thousand dollar false religion scene...being that god so however sent his word out in written form to certain churches who were doing false things, or allowing false practices into the religion, or just plain doing things wrong when they knew better. It is a good idea to read the 7 letters to get a feel of what happened, and then look at today. Now to answer the hoax part of your question....the part of false religion that is infact a hoax, is the part that millions of false religions members donate there every dollar to make the preacher rich, to build the preacher a fancy home as well as a over done church....Just ask Jerry Farwell, Tammy Faye Baker or any of the legendary tv the obtained there wealth. False religion is infact a buisness, but sad to say the hoax is on innocent people, who often don't even open a bible themselves to see what it might say about a greedy preacher who begs for money every Sunday on national tv. These preachers have millions of members who either attend or do the math, one million members all donate 10 dollars a piece, that equalls 10 million bucks to the preacher, tax free. It is no wonder they are so happy as people, so friendly, huh. As for the myth part, every person must decide for them selves, the Bible actually makes this pretty preach and teach, to invite, to sit and discuss (not ask for donations when obviously not needed). I tell you what, spend about 30 minutes reading the book of Matthew, chapter 24, where Jesus is talking to his 12 dudes and see how you feel about that... Also it may help you to know, that while the bible cant seem like it has really been here thousands of years and be basically not changed much...I found a bible just about 100 years old, like 1903 or something, and it was almost the same as the current bible I already have....that is acceptable for a story book you know, but the bible is several persons stories, 1st hand accounts, a journal in some parts as well as written instruction aimed at us humans.I like your question, it makes me have to think about it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Really according to the Bible itself, religion with any reality to it,has always been shoved into anilation. Religion is religion, as described in the book of Acts and Romans...however, back to the source itself, the Bible clearly states repetively in different ways to different audiences that religion would be made faulty looking by fake religion, that this would be an intense problem much like invasive cancer that would occur for a lengthy time, but then cut off. False religion, also called Christendom, and Babylon The Great is infact a buisness, that rolls in countless dough. In the book of Revelation, false religion is likened to a big whore that sits ontop of certain beast,( which most experts agree is the world goverments)using her control to get her way....which should sound like religion poking it's nose into politics, cause that is exactly what is going on. Out of curiousity, you could read the opening of the book of Revelation, and discern a general idea of the stage that occurred some time ago on the multi thousand dollar false religion scene...being that god so however sent his word out in written form to certain churches who were doing false things, or allowing false practices into the religion, or just plain doing things wrong when they knew better. It is a good idea to read the 7 letters to get a feel of what happened, and then look at today. Now to answer the hoax part of your question....the part of false religion that is infact a hoax, is the part that millions of false religions members donate there every dollar to make the preacher rich, to build the preacher a fancy home as well as a over done church....Just ask Jerry Farwell, Tammy Faye Baker or any of the legendary tv the obtained there wealth. False religion is infact a buisness, but sad to say the hoax is on innocent people, who often don't even open a bible themselves to see what it might say about a greedy preacher who begs for money every Sunday on national tv. These preachers have millions of members who either attend or do the math, one million members all donate 10 dollars a piece, that equalls 10 million bucks to the preacher, tax free. It is no wonder they are so happy as people, so friendly, huh. As for the myth part, every person must decide for them selves, the Bible actually makes this pretty preach and teach, to invite, to sit and discuss (not ask for donations when obviously not needed). I tell you what, spend about 30 minutes reading the book of Matthew, chapter 24, where Jesus is talking to his 12 dudes and see how you feel about that... Also it may help you to know, that while the bible cant seem like it has really been here thousands of years and be basically not changed much...I found a bible just about 100 years old, like 1903 or something, and it was almost the same as the current bible I already have....that is acceptable for a story book you know, but the bible is several persons stories, 1st hand accounts, a journal in some parts as well as written instruction aimed at us humans.I like your question, it makes me have to think about it.

in a way. all three.

It is a business, it uses whatever means are at its disposal to continue.

peace and love

It's all of them.

Now, get yourself a copy of Richard Dawkins's _The God Delusion_ and read it.

You forgot 'a means of control'.

They're none of them. It depends on how "religious" you are. Religion is something that gives a person hope and faith. It could be a myth, if you're not that religious, or a hoax. But really religious people think religion as an escape in life. Something to give a person a reason to live.

I believe religion is a controversial way of classification based on simply ideas passed down ages ago. Religion fuels arguments, segregates, is sort of a business, a myth, a story, but basically it's a way of taking people's beliefs and categorizing them and then sending everyone into a building (church) where those people belong.

False trichotomy.

it depends on who it is looking at it. For some it could be a myth, or a hoax, or even a form of business, for others its everything, they base their life around their religion.

can I choose D - all of the above?


(A quote-) the chief danger to civilization was not merely religious extremism but religions themselves. This was summed up in a famous saying: "All Religions were invented by the Devil to conceal God from Mankind."
A good read is a current book "God is not Great" by Christopher Hitchens, who goes further to say that "religions destroy life".
Bertrand Russell claims that gods exist only with our belief in them.

You, you have hit the jack pot. All three.
Bible; written by King James scribes to help control people.
Business; one of the largest going.
Hoax; AS Marx said religion is the opium of the masses, as in the way your told to feel about life.

to me my religion is none of these although some have made it a business

"The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet, gives good insight.