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Position:Home>Philosophy> What makes us do anything wrong or bad, even though we know and accept it as wro

Question:Weakness of mind and body.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Weakness of mind and body.

Your flesh, Paul the apostle said it in the bible: "for the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the laws of God, neither indeed can be", also: " that which I desire to do I do not do, but that which I do not want to do, that I do, for my flesh is always at war against my spirit,and my spirit against my flesh, for in sin was I born, and in sin did my mother conceive me. woe unto me, but I thank God for Jesus Christ our Lord, for delivering me from this.

well a lot of things peer pressure or the thrill or for like theft u might want something you cant afford there are a lot of reasons for wrong or disturbing actions it depends on the person

I think people do it for different reasons and you can't know every reason from every person. Some I think are wanting to, get away with something. Other people, make excuses and even though they know there is no excuse they allow themselves to believe the excuse so that they can do the wrong or bad thing. I think in a way it's a bit of an adrenolen rush to feel like you can do something and get away with it.



There are any number of possible reasons, but I think there are a couple that would apply in most situations.

A feeling of hopelessness or desperation can cause people to rob/steal, assault, or even murder. People who are backed into a corner in one sense or another and feel like the crime is their only option. has a story right now of a woman who robbed a bank because she was desperate due to the economy.

A lack of respect would be another main reason. In fact, it seems that it's becoming more common for people to do what they want because they don't care about others. They don't respect boundaries or limits.

A sense of entitlement would be another major reason people commit crimes. They feel as if they have a right to something and either are justified in taking it or in doing harm to someone who kept them from having it.

Revenge is obviously a major reason. Whether it's a jilted lover or someone who feels disrespected. They justify their crimes by saying the other person had it coming.

As people we have good and bad in us,the good in us tells us it's wrong and the bad in us tells us to do it anyway.

Sometimes we just might not know "how" to do it better. It sometimes seems the onliest choice although there is never only one choice. But we might have "vision" problems and cannot discover an alternative or we just plain lack the resource or strategy to do the right thing.
We might know the right thing and still do will live in the wrong circumstances of which we ourselves are the originator of, and to do the right thing if all around us seems wrong is a tough step and asks lots of courage. It is as if we want to make us free from threads which hold us back, so sometimes we might stick with the wrong as to do the right seems to be so difficult. Laziness can also play a part in it.

Satan of course as he sits on your shoulder and whispers in your ear how good it will feel to do it. The answer is because we want things our way and we cannot always accomplish this by our abilities. We have an amazing capacity to rationalize that the end justifies the means and what we did is not good but understandable considering our circumstances.

Our human nature
mistakes , wrong deeds are all part of what we are. However, it does not mean that it is an excuse. There is always that combination of wrong and right. We do the right things because we are listening or driven by the good side within us (some people have it some others don't!) And when we do the wrong thing , it can be either by mistake and we learn from it or make us in a big trouble. So, if a person knows that what he/she is doing is "bad" it can mean two different things: first that the bad side in that person is really dominant in a way that that person doesn't care enough to retrain him/herself in time, or a person is not that bad but kinda find him/herself in a situation that cannot be helped.
What makes the difference is what happens after doing the wrong thing though we know it's wrong!

The below mentioned is an example: which talks about people's attitude towards any given subject which matters.

The reason why i picked this as an example is people are aware it's acrime yet they conti to do it is because to fulfill their desire in a easy way,human are such that they never get satisfied,and endup chosing a wrong path.

Example: 'we do it though we know it's bad' why,in Britain almost one in ten adults from all backgrounds admit to having made fraudulent insurance claims to be a serious crime."The survey revealed that people are well aware of what constitutes insurance fraud and consider it a fairly serious crime, which is not victimless, but they see it as a crime against an organisation rather than an individual and, as a result, appear less likely to report it."

The Financial Services Authority (FSA) defines fraud as a combination of the intent to deceive and an attempt to get more money from the insurer.

The research carried out by Experian shows that people’s attitudes towards insurance fraud are mixed so while 91 per cent are convinced that it is a serious offence, only 14 per cent would report the crime.

maybe there's a good reason behind it. there's always a reason for everything. so, for example, you did a bad deed just to be recognized/known by the people around you. i guess thats it.

It is the motive that drives us to do things regardless the outcome or even though we know it is bad or good. The desire to do such thing impel us to perform an activity just to satisfy our wants. It is the ego that allows us to make or break upon a situation. Humans have forgotten to consider the moral actions one should consider. We don't care wether a particular job will do harm or not so long as our goals are achieve. That's human nature that allows our character be at its test. We only satisfy ourselves out of self-love and self-regard at the expense of others.

Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

dude its normal, everything is neither bad nor good.
we only make it good or bad by thinking about it.
its a man-made perspective.

The wretchedness and oppression born of the human heart in consequence of the abuse of freedom.

Anger and desire are the two principal motivating factors. Also 'ahankar' which places too much trust on one's own capability, in this case of either camouflauging or getting away with or finding avenues of exit/escape, in case the wrong doing is detected or rebounds.
Temptation to succumb to anger or desire has to be curbed, even if necessary, suffering temporary disability.

Nothing makes us do it. No devils or demons. It is our own choice. When I do something wrong it has to be where nobody else is hurt. Such as floating a stop sign, or light, in the middle of the night when no other cars are around. Or answering a question with what they NEED to hear, instead of what they WANT.

Our brains are terrible at assessing modern risks.