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Position:Home>Philosophy> How does the world look like in the year 3000?

Question:Can you imagine the year 3000?
Tell whatever comes to your mind.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Can you imagine the year 3000?
Tell whatever comes to your mind.

The world looks like in its a robotic century,flying cars,Air Traffic,"Gundam Wars",Flying skateboards(thats kewl....),Cool guns,Artificial Sun,Different universes with diff passports.Forgot to mention,They would probably came up a shield which protects the universe from Global Warming.

90% of the world is made or eletronic stuff,Galaxies discovered,Portals to new worlds,Extra-terrestrial beings on war with humans.World Domination,Games which can be inserted inside ur mind and be played(wonder how they do that but thats cool too).Handphones which can turn Send u back home without walking.

Backpack which can turn into a mini-house(DAMMIT,THERES STILL 992 years more to go,T_T)

dark wasteland



Technology and smog. Sad people who think they're happy:
Brave New World

well build a time machine a go their and then you will find out

It really depends on the nations if we try to stop global warming then it well look really great but if not like the first dude said waste land

Not to be so depressive, but I think there will not be anything left by then. Just a glob of dust in space. Or it is like the Earth described in Ender's Game.


I believe the world will be a much much better place, because humankind will have wiped itself out, probably through some virus disease. The world will return to being a garden of eden.

i went ot the year 3000. not much has change except they live under water... and your great great graet grand duaghter is doin fine yaaa

I dont think there is going to be any world in the year 3000

I believe the world will have flying cars, a cure for cancer, much better technology, and maybe better foods and also maybe help the cras be more secure....just thinking a bout maked me wonder more =]

Umm, we had 2 wars in the last 100 year. Guess by year 3000, mankind should have messed up the earth and continue their fights at the other planet(s).

The world as we know today will be inherited by the most enduring species: brownish in color, compound eyes, 6 legs, can run as well as fly, able to survive on just about anything edible, guess you'd have the idea now.

It can not be possibly described, so many new concepts and words the word "compact disc" wasn't around 1000 years ago neither was the notion of magic box called a computer.

Try explain to someone from 1000 years ago how the internet works, what google is and how your not a witch for doing these things.

New concepts will be here in the next 1000 years. (Assuming we live that long).

Even more f.u.c.k.e.d up than it is now! We very well could be extinct by then because of global warming

Harleigh Kyson Jr.