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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does a Great White Shark think that humans are superior when he is hungry?

Question:No, sharks generally spit humans out after tasting them, considering them a decidedly INFERIOR food (not good like fat, juicy little seals), but if sharks are really hungry, they'll choke one of us down.

It's like eating dog food when you're starving. It sucks, but it's also potentially lifesaving.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No, sharks generally spit humans out after tasting them, considering them a decidedly INFERIOR food (not good like fat, juicy little seals), but if sharks are really hungry, they'll choke one of us down.

It's like eating dog food when you're starving. It sucks, but it's also potentially lifesaving.

I think he ponders the futility of existence when he is hungry.

they don;t understand "superior" whether hungry or not. They understand size and danger.

No it thinks we are a meal for the taking.

No, necessity makes the dinner. And the rule goes also for superior ones in dire necessity

No I think not, I think that he see's us as a fish in distress what with all our flapping about in the water, and as such easy prey no more no less, I don't think he has such a complicated thought process as us humans.

Food is food, where you are a seal or a surfer

The Great White Shark considers us not at all. We are not even a favorite delicacy. Surfers are often attacked because from underneath looking up, they resemble seals.
Humans are a bit of a lunch bag let down.

a shark has no concept of superior beings, just those that are tasty and those that are not. If it feeds on a human, it is no more sentimental or angry than you would be bobbing for an is just eating.

No. Great white sharks, like African salt-water crocodiles, see us as simply a nice snack.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.