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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you were a KNIGHT on a chess board and were asked to sacrifice your life to s

Question:...would you do it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ...would you do it?

One Knight is worth more than any two Bishops I've ever seen. No, I would not. Let those Bishops go, I'll conquer the King in the end.

It would depend on your strategy. I tend to use bishops alot so I probably wouldn't.

It all depend on your strategy.
If you intend to use the 2 Bishops to win the game.
You must use whatever it takes to save them.
If you need the Knight, you must save it.
Anything is possible, if you can win the game.

Knights are there for proyection mostly, your bishops can take out almost 75% of the game alone. Them and your rooks are your air bombers, the knights are life your patrol cruisers. Save the Bishops!