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Question:If they doubt it all, how can they doubt to doubt?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If they doubt it all, how can they doubt to doubt?

I think you can. According to current thinking in quantum physics the entire reality of the Universe as we know it is just an illusion. Since we are part of the Universe, our consciousness and perception of that Universe must be considered an illusion compounded by another illusion. Since doubt is a manifestation of consciousness it must be an illusion which is compounded even further by the illusions mentioned above.

Despite all the evidence from quantum physics that supports this way of thinking, there is one big problem with it. If you really believe it you'll go mental. So it's probably best not to think about it too much.

No, you cannot get somebody to doubt everything. Nobody can doubt that the universe exists, or that he is a consciousness. The very act of doubting is a manifestation of consciousness.