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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's Kuhn's Paradigm?

Question:What is Kuhn's paradigm? What steps or stages are involved in his philosophy?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is Kuhn's paradigm? What steps or stages are involved in his philosophy?

Kuhn attempts to trace the social and political factors behind theory changes in science. The available data do not unequivocally favor one paradigm over others, and scientists do not choose paradigms on the basis of data. Instead, Kuhn believes social and political forces guide paradigm changes. Thus, an adequate explanation of scientific revolutions will be an application of social, political, and historical analysis, not the logical analysis of the relationship between theories and evidence. To understand science in Kuhnian fashion, it is at least as important to understand scientists and what they do as it is to understand the theories they offer and the experiments they conduct.

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