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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you know the difference between who you THINK you are and who you REALLY are?

Question:i mean, egos aside, are you aware of your TRUE nature oher than human?
And please spare me the atheist crap about being soul-less because i KNOW otherwise.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i mean, egos aside, are you aware of your TRUE nature oher than human?
And please spare me the atheist crap about being soul-less because i KNOW otherwise.

all is one

no... sometimes i think i know who i'm acting to be but i dont know who i am really.

aww man, now I don't even know who i am anymore.

Who I choose to think I am is who I'll be at the moment and that is as true as I can know it to be, until I learn more again and have to reevaluate.

I think I know, but I know enough to know I don't know enough.

If I THINK I am someone, I can't know that I am anything different, otherwise I would think that I am that different someone. So no, I don't know the difference.

I am an atheist who knows I have a soul. So did the atheist Ayn Rand, and she talked about it a few times.

But your bold faced question presumes a difference between who I am and who I "think" I am. I propose that you are wrong. There is no difference between who I am and who I think I am, because I am the same in both instances.

Well thats a complicatd question to answer as for me there is various diffences between who i think i am .....

In one-one relationships i used to think i was a nice person that a good woman would enjoy being with. But now i see my faults, short comings, character habbits, learnt behaviour from childhood, personal social skill problems. So although i think im a good potentual partner, in reality im not.
I like to think my skills and tallents in a modest way and do not really apply much effort into stretching them as i think im not so great- but sometimes i get a flash of light in my minds eye and for that breaf moment i realise that i could be more than just good.
When it comes to my place in the world, i am a passenger- stranger on a bus, because the reality is that i dont fit in anywhere, i only think i do.
The true nature of a human has been worn away by centuries or ' civilisation' and 'brainwashing'. We have over complicated our lives and even try to make ourselves immortal by some religion or another.
We are just dust in the wind, that all we were and all we will amount to.
Is it really that important to have your name immortalised into the minds of generations of people- i think not. As History tells of your actions, not of who you were as a real person from day to day.