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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the word for people who disagree with everything people say and argues t

Question:yea i forgot the word and i googled it and still can't find it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: yea i forgot the word and i googled it and still can't find it.


Iconoclastic? Cantankerous? Being the Devil's Advocate?

In the world of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) they are called MISMATCHER.
Whatever you do, how ever considerate your actions, they will mismatch them. The best way to handle them is to match their mismatching and mirror the mismatching to everything you do or say, back to them.

Disagreeable, argumentative,ANTAGONISTIC, petulant, difficult.

Usually just called playing Devils Advocate as stated before. I find myself doing this all the time. As well as my philosophy professor, who I believe I get it from... >_<

My perspective on why I do it is to prove there is no definite answer for most questions, and if there is I like to try to prove otherwise. Not because I don't believe in one way or another, but just to open up the question. Its difficult to explain, and I KNOW it is very annoying to girlfriend would agree...heh T_T

Controversial people?

Would it be...contrarian?


Well in politics we call them the chronic oppositionists



I believe its "cynical"

Legalistic: a fault-finding accuser of brethren,
highminded, akin to double minded: unstable,
usually accuse others and excuse themselves,
not knowing law judging is "inexcusable": Rom 2.

Devil's advocate.

Lawyers ?
